Ethan Frome and Summer

Ethan Frome and Summer were in Bexhill on Sea

They were visiting

The De La Warr Pavilion

As they walked from the railway station to the sea front they passed a fish and chip shop

They were not hungry

But stopped to look at the television which was tuned to a news channel

The Pope was near death

The saddened Ethan as he too had been a goalkeeper

Before a shoulder injury curtailed his career

His last club had been a small football club which played in the Dutch Eredivisie without much success 

The Pope had also been a goalkeeper in his native Poland

Bebita Brooks was a waitress at the The De La Warr Pavilion

She loved her job and often spent her lunch breaks on the sun terrace

Summer was sitting on the beach in front of the pavilion

She was wearing a fluorescent orange swimsuit

Bebita Brooks was sitting on a lounger on the sun terrace

She too was wearing a fluorescent orange swimsuit

Angela of the Crimes was investigating a robbery in a house not far from the De La Warr Pavilion

She was wearing a fluorescent orange swimsuit

I think the theft of the crystal was a blind

To deter us from the true nature of the crime

A painting has been stolen

The painting was called

L’Origine du monde  

Ethan was sitting on the beach in front of the pavilion

He was watching the aircraft descending on their approach to Gatwick Airport

Karol Wojtyla was hovering just above the surface of the sea

He was blessing each plane as it passed overhead

On the road behind the pavilion a parade passed through the town

Soldiers on their way to Hastings

Left left left right left

Angela of the Crimes was looking out of the bay window

A storm was brewing and she could see the white outriders advancing in front of the grey storm clouds

Do you know that between 1815 and 1820 that Edgar Allan Poe lived in England?


I did not know that

Did she live in Bexhill on Sea?

Sergeant Lovibond

Yes sir

Edgar Allan Poe had a penis and therefore was a man

Sorry sir

In answer to your question there is no indication that Edgar Allan Poe ever lived in Bexhill on Sea

Angela of the Crimes looked at her sergeant as she moved around the large bright room in a rather staccato fashion

The sergeants heavy breasts dangled like cows udders as she examined the various works of art that the owner of the house had placed only six inches above his luxury lavender carpet

Do you realise that by the time you are forty that you will have lost any firmness in your breasts

I do not think I have any firmness in my breasts sir

Sergeant Lovibond stood up and faced Angela of the Crimes

She looked lopsided in her police issue loincloth and navy blue was certainly not her colour



This painting that we suppose has been stolen what was the subject matter?

A portrait?


A seascape?


A landscape

No again

That’s me exhausted what was the subject matter sir?

A cunt

A cunt?

Yes it was a painting of a woman’s cunt serargent why do you think it had such a title?

What was the title?

L’Origine du monde 

The origin of the world

That’s a strange title sir

No it has a very simple title sergeant

I am still not with you sir

Do you have pubic hair sergeant?

Yes sir

Describe your pubic hair to me sergeant

Well it is the same colour as the hair on me head ginger like

Remove your loincloth sergeant

Angela of the Crimes looked at her colleague’s mass of ginger public hair

You know that you will never gain promotion sergeant

Why sir?

Because when you attain the rank of Chief Inspector you are required to shave your cunt and I believe that you would run into disciplinary problems quite quickly judging by the rate your pubic hair grows

Are you shaven sir?

Of course it was the first thing I did when I received the letter confirming my promotion

My cunt is as smooth as the vase you are holding

May I look at your cunt sir as I am keen to progress through the ranks

Of course

Angela of the Crimes removed her orange swimsuit

See not one hair

Touch it if you will

Sergeant Lovibond placed her hand on Angela’s cunt

So smooth sir so smooth

May I touch yours Lydia?

And that was the tableau that Colonel Price-Wallis saw when he entered the room

He was carrying a copy of L’Origine du monde 

Perhaps this will help Chief Inspector my wife copied our painting during a church outing two years ago

Just in case it was stolen from us

Thank you sir

Do think you will track it down?

That is hard to say sir it is most probably in Hastings as we speak

I know that you will do your best

I do despise these blind crimes so

Yes sir these criminals are despicable the scum of the earth

Do you know that Edgar Allan Poe lived in this house between 1815 and 1820?

No I did not know that sir

Thank you for telling me

Bebita Brooks was sitting on a lounger on the sun terrace of the De La Warr Pavilion

She was wearing a fluorescent orange swimsuit

Bebita Brooks suddenly became aware of a Negro baby flying and landing and flying and landing on the sunlit sun terrace

She waved to the baby and it settled on her knee

And what is your name and does your mother know that you are flying around the pavilion unaccompanied?

I do not have a mother

Is she dead?

No I do not have a mother

I was not born of a mother

That is sad

I have always existed here in the De La Warr Pavilion

I fly when it is open and sleep when it is closed

I love the De La Warr Pavilion

That is why I work here it makes me so happy

How long have you worked here?

Since I was born

What do you do?

I am a waitress in the main restaurant and sometimes act up as a guide if we have parties from abroad visiting the pavilion 

God is Dead you know

Is he?

Yes and only a void now exists

That is sad I rather liked God

Look over those rails what do you see?

The beach in front of pavilion and beyond that the sea

I can see Ethan and Summer sitting on the pebbles

Can you see the Pope?


The Pope is dying

I am sad to hear that news he was such an able goalkeeper in his youth

Yes even goalkeepers die

Ethan can see the Pope

He loves the Pope

God is Dead you know

Is he?

Yes and now only a void exists

That is sad I rather liked God

We are all existing in a void

Is this a void?

Sure is

But today is so beautiful

What a beautiful void it is

Voids do not have to be hostile

What will the Pope think when he finally arrives at the pearly gates and finds them closed?

That is a cliché

Nothing exists I have been there

But you are a baby a rather beautiful baby if you do not mind me saying so

Babies are wiser that philosophers

You are certainly wise

And you are beautiful

Thank you

The day is beautiful but God is Dead

Voids do not have to be hostile

Bebita Brooks looked into the huge brown eyes of the baby

She could see into the universe and beyond and this frightened her

The baby sensing her alarm turned his head and laughed at a passing seagull who was stealing the remains a sandwich carelessly abandoned

I will leave you now Bebita Brooks be careful not to burn

Beauty must not be harmed

Ethan Frome and Summer were still on the beach

Summer was now sitting up and reading a book about Pope Joan

She had stolen it from the main library in the De La Warr Pavilion 

Ethan was thinking of his football career which had ended abruptly after twenty-eight minutes of a match in Rotterdam when his own centre half fell on him dislocating his shoulder

Although in pain Ethan fully expected to recover in time for the games later in the season (for the injury occured on a frozen January afternoon) but his shoulder had been fatally weakened and his career as a goalkeeper was for all intents and purposes over.

He would never play top flight football again

This fact made him sad as he adored the game

Hastings United had signed him on a non-contract basis and during the previous season he had played six games for them

But his injury was so severe that he was constantly in pain after games

So he gave up football altogether

Save for a charity matches

And even then he played on the field

Usually at left full back

Which was surprising as he was mainly right footed

He had met Summer at the De La Warr Pavilion 

During a charity evening

She was an ex-policewoman who had grown tired of law and order and had decided to steal paintings from the wealthy in Hastings and elsewhere in the locality

Hidden in sack under her fluorescent orange parasol was the painting that she had stolen during the blind theft some hours earlier

Nudity on the beach in Bexhill on Sea was not encouraged unless one was in the act of getting changed and it was because of this that she kept the painting hidden in the sack

She knew that police were expecting the painting to be shipped abroad

Nobody would suspect that the girlfriend of an ex-goalkeeper in the Dutch Eredivisie would have stolen the painting

As an ex-policewoman she knew how the police thought and worked

She had never progressed beyond the grade of the average constable because she refused to remove her Brazilian

Brazil was her favourite country

And to ask her to remove her pubic hair  in order to gain promotion was very wrong in her view

She considered the request racist

She would suffer no intolerance against her favourite country

And this in short was why she turned to crime

Summer was sitting on the beach in front of the pavilion

She was wearing a fluorescent orange swimsuit

Which she had stolen from the Sussex Police Force

It was the first thing she had stolen

And it still excited her to think about it

Karol Wojtyla was hovering just above the surface of the sea

But he was much smaller

Ethan could hardly see him

The Pope was still blessing the passing aircraft as they flew towards Gatwick Airport

But he was so small they could not see him

Ethan walked towards the sea and swam towards the hovering Pope

I am so tired my son please take me in your hand

Ethan cupped Karol Wojtyla in his hand and returned to the beach

I am dying you know

I am aware of that Sky News has picked up on your condition sir

Please do not call me sir

For I am no better than you indeed I am your servant

I was a goalkeeper you know

So was I in the far off days in Poland

Do you miss it?

I suppose I do

God created football you know

How do you know that?

He told me after I played my last game


He came to me when I was saying my prayers and said he had invented football on the last day of his creation because he loved man so much

It was his gift to man possibly the most wonderful gift he has ever given us

I miss playing terribly

So do I

Is this young lady your girlfriend?

Yes she brought me through the hard times after I finished playing

What is her name?

Summer Summer Watson

She is a beautiful woman what does she do for a living?

She is an art thief

I see I must say that orange is her colour

It really suits her complexion

She stole the swimsuit from the Sussex Police Force  

She was a policewoman?     


A grand occupation why did she leave?

Because of the rules about the length of a policewoman’s pubic hair allowable whilst serving in the junior ranks

I see

And the enforced rules about its removal when achieving promotion to the higher ranks

This upset her and that is why she left the police force

Rules ruin everything Ethan

I agree Summer is a crack shot with both a handgun and a rifle

She was highly trained during her time with the police

Many politicians are less safe due to her resignation

The Pope had reduced in size during the course of their conversation

And was now no bigger than Ethan’s index finger

I am slipping now my child please cup you hand so that I may meet my God in your sanctuary

A tear ran from Ethan’s eye and dropped onto the pebbles

Do not cry my son for I am so happy

I am about to meet my God

I am sorry my father

The Pope smiled and said

Pozwolcie mi odejsc do domu Ojca

Summer looked at her watch

It was just before half past three in the afternoon

She wiped the tears from Ethan’s face

What did the Pope say to you?

He spoke in Polish to me

Did you understand his words as you speak no Polish?

I understood them clearly

What did he say?

He said in his quiet voice 

Allow me to depart to the house of the Father

Was that all?

Yes that was all

Ethan looked into his cupped hand which was now completely empty

I think it is time for us to go just look at those storm clouds and the white outriders

Yes let us make our way to the railway station

Summer handed Ethan a small slip of paper

Here I stole this poem for you

Is it about football?

No cricket

You are a strange girl Summer Watson

Would you hold the towel up while I get changed Ethan?

There is no need to just check the by-laws

Nudity on the beach in Bexhill on Sea is not encouraged unless one was in the act of getting changed

Summer smiled and removed her fluorescent orange swimsuit

A voyeur who was hiding behind a windbreak raised his phone and started filming Summer

Instantly a bolt of lightning flashed down and melted his phone

Summer looked at the shocked voyeur

Sir I do not mind you watching me change but I do object to you recording the event

If I am of memory to you then retain my actions in your memory alone nowhere else

The voyeur looked at the stormy sky and began to pray for he had found God

As Summer put her shoes on the voyeur was struck by a second bolt of lightning and reduced to ashes

Why did God strike him down as he had repented his foul actions?

Because he was bearing false witness

He was looking up your skirt

On the train home Ethan pulled the poem that Summer had given him out of his pocket

I almost forgot about this

I have stolen many poems

May I read it to you?


Crompton’s Cricket Crust

On June the 28th Crompton made 141 not out
Whilst reading the works of Coleridge at the wicket
The following week he made 222 not out
Whilst reading Wordsworth at the wicket
But when he started to read the Lyrical Ballads
His form at the wicket declined and he only made 28
Before being bowled
On six consecutive Sunday’s
It was only when he returned to Coleridge
That his form improved
And during the last hot weekend of the summer
He made 496 not out
Against a team from a village
Located six miles to the east of Maidstone   




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