The Path to the Beach

The lazy looped sky looked sad

As the sand bells gathered

Above the sleeping town


I was on the path to the beach


You were sitting in your sham castle


There were many ribbons in your hair of varying lengths

Some dangled from the tower

Dancing occasionally in the storm breezes


I had a blue ribbon tied to my wrist


The beach was deserted


I swam without inhibition


So did you


But we did not speak


On my return to the path I met a

Prisoner of Conscience

Who having absconded

From his prison

Who was as hiding in the trees

That overlooked the beach


At first I thought he was spying on you

And was trying to steal your freedom

So I tied him to a tree with your ribbons

The poor man wept

So I released him


He told me of the wooden table

In his cell

And of the whitewashed walls

Much spoiled


You emerged from the sea

And were soon at your window

Tying your ribbons together

Some dangled from the tower

Dancing occasionally in the storm breezes


Although the summer had been long

It was coming to an end

So I agreed to remain with the prisoner

Near to the trees that overlooked the beach

As we both awaited St Lucy’s Day




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