In the Slapton Clearfields

Jack Jill and Jenny

Had decided to run

Through the swirling cornfields


School was over


Jack had a fine camera

Dangling from his shoulder

In a brown leather case


Claudia Dormouse was watching them

From within the deep undergrowth

That hid the sea road from their view


She knew that they would not return to their school

They were due to attend university quite soon


She also knew that this was the last day of their childhood

Only maturity and further learning awaited them


Claudia Dormouse was a wise creature


Jack Jill and Jenny sat on the stubble path


Did you know that in times past swift clipper ships sailed through these cornfields bound for distant shores?

They why do we not see them now?

Because they have blended into history like many other things

Only the ancient stone walls remember them


Jack stood up and walked into the cornfield


Where are you going Jack?

I am searching for the perfect cornflower

That is why I brought my fine camera


Do you think he will find his prefect cornflower?

I think not

Do you think it exists at all?

Nobody has ever found a perfect cornflower

Jack has a thankless task


Claudia Dormouse watched as Jill and Jenny followed Jack into the lush cornfield


You may have a fine camera Jack  

But you do not have the eye

And even on this perfect day

The cornflowers are passing you by


The children’s voices faded as they grew distant from the sea road

Claudia Dormouse came out of hiding and sat quietly on Jill’s leather satchel

She looked at its spilled contents

Which lay low in the afternoon sun


In thirty years you will remember this day

The day when the clippers passed through these fields

Without you witnessing their swift passage


This was the day when you trampled the most perfect of all cornflowers into the dusty soil

It never bloomed again


This was your last day in the Slapton Clearfields





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