
We are all voyeurs

He said 

Otherwise glass would not have been invented

But what of mirrors?

I asked

It was God’s first creation

So that we might admire our own reflection


I was admiring the poem which was hanging in Phillip’s hall

It was written by Solange

I think it is rather good don’t you?

Yes it is very reflective

Where is Solange?

She is still on the island but I expect her back within the month

What is it like being back?


And you?

I really have not put my suitcase down

Do realise that Pretty is back in Spain?

I thought she might return

She is sharing a flat with a girl called Linda in Barcelona

I am pleased for her as I thought she was lonely in Japan

There is something a little odd about the set up though

She has not turned gay has she?

No nothing like that

 I am curious



It was a movie made many years ago you should know that 

Funny guy

So what is so odd?

Have you ever heard of webcams?


Well the apartment they share has a number of webcams linked to the internet

For one of those dodgy sites

How did she fall for that?

Pretty may be many things bit she is not naïve

That is what I thought until I contacted her

It seems that these sites are quite popular

I would think they are

She says it is a project

A project?

Are there cameras in every room?


So nothing is hidden


Is it not a little invasive?

I mean what happens if you are shitting or worse

Do you remember a television series called Big Brother that was very popular a number of years ago

I remember it

It started off well and then just became a freak show

I always thought it to be improvised

It probably was

Are the cameras on all day?


Do they record or are they just live?

I am not sure but Pretty said they were live cameras

How did she get involved in this project?

Through Linda

Who is Linda?

A girl she met in Japan

A traveller?

No she worked for Pretty’s father  


Do you get paid for it Pretty?

In a way

Your hair is shorter you look like Jean Seberg

I suffered from Gastroenteritis

In Breathless

A Bout de Souffle

I am not short of breath

I am perfectly well

You have lost weight

I have been ill

We live here rent free

What is expected of you?

To be free



With a girl

It is not that type of project

Do you not feel violated?

No why should I?

People are watching you each second of the day

I am in charge

Are you?

Very much

I show as much or as little as I want  

What would Jean Seberg have thought of it?

Ask her

That is impossible


Because she is dead

Then why ask me that question Daniel?

I am not paid for this but we live here rent free

I would not have been able to live here

I would not have been able to afford the rent

I have been ill and collapsed in the bedroom

Linda was at work

I shit myself

I vomited everywhere

Someone who was watching me took pity and contacted whosoever they needed to contact

Paramedics arrived and I was taken to hospital

When I arrived back in the apartment flowers awaited me

I felt loved

The flowers were from a voyeur

That is unlikely


The location of this apartment is secret

Perhaps they were from the web company

This is a possibility but unlikely


They are based in Japan

I am not concerned who sent them

I felt loved

Perhaps Linda sent them

I asked her

Perhaps Jean Seberg sent the flowers



Do you realise if I committed a murder in let’s say Leeds I would be caught quite soon unless I was very careful

If I had committed this murder thirty years ago then life would have been much simpler

DNA was in its infancy and there were no CCTV cameras

How many times do you think that your image has been recorded since you left your flat?

How many people have watched you? 

I have not thought about it

Your journey was tracked

So was mine

Ring Pretty


Tell her it was me who sent the flowers

Do you watch her on the web cam?


But you know all there is to know about Pretty

Solange asked me to

Does Pretty know?

Does Pretty care?

Solange woke up one morning and was unable to contact her friend so she rang me and there she was covered in her own vomit

So I called the paramedics

How did you know where the apartment was?

Pretty told me

Solange was aware also

How serious was it

Serious enough

If I had not called for help then Pretty would have become quite dehydrated  

What is her friend like?

Plain but then again anybody looks plain near Pretty

Have you met her?

I have spoken to her on the phone

Is she gay?

Not to my knowledge

She strikes me as rather shy

Do you think that we are being watched Daniel?

No unless you have cameras secreted in this room

I can promise you that I have no secret cameras

Do you remember the Orwell novel when Winston and Julia are betrayed by the shop keeper?

Yes he is a member of the thought police

Both Winston and Julia thought they were hidden but they were being observed

What is your point?

That one cannot hide

One could hide in a forest

But one would have to leave the forest


If you look out of the window to the left there are cameras controlling the traffic flow

You would have been observed when you entered my flat

If you look at my laptop you will see the entrance to this block of flats

If my buzzer rings in an instant I can see who is there

Nobody can hide

Where did you park the car?

I took the tube

They know that you are here

If they were interested


Where are you?

I am in London

Go into my site

I would not know how

Phillip has it bookmarked

How did you know?

He told me

How did you know that I was visiting Phillip

He told me

Well log in

You do not have to do this

It is something for you

Do not worry I am fully dressed

I am Jean Seberg

Pretty was walking around the apartment

She was dressed in a New York Herald Tribune tee shirt

I am your Patricia you know

Aand I am your Michel

Do let me know when you are next in Barcelona


I might find an apartment where we are not watched

Does one exist?


Or we could use this apartment

I would imagine that there are lots of Breathless fans out there    

Then I would have to kill a cop

And I would betray you

We would be watched you know

Nothing is secret anymore





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