Dawn Delphinine Red

Each November as soon as the clocks are changed

Delphinine and I climb the steep red hill and begin our search for her missing sister

She vanished over fifty years ago when passing through the Panama Canal

For five years we searched Central America for and visited the major cities in multiples of seven

That was until one night when a visiting star told us to look upwards into the heavens

And not to search during warmer months

As the stars were distorted by the summer heat

The days should be short and the nights long we were told

We found little until by chance we discovered one of Delphinine’s red red ribbons tied to a rock in the deep night sky

It was faded but we were able to recognise the rose weave patterns on its frayed border

Tonight we will rest as we always do on Friday’s

I will lock the shutters in the defenceless tower and shield the door from intruders

The dawn will pass unnoticed

And if Delphinine does return

I have asked her to place her likeness in your red lace frame


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