
But that is the name of a Brad Pitt movie Milne

It was spelt with a k

Come again

It was spelt Kalifornia not California

Why are you calling this story California?

Why do you think?

Because we are in California

Right first time

Nelly was sitting on the settee looking at the ocean

The movie was about a serial killer

I rather liked it

Do you realise that a Chinese maid was murdered just down from here in 1959?

Did they catch the killer?

Yes it was her boyfriend

How long did it take?

They found him next to the corpse

He had blown his brains out

How sad

The ocean is empty that is strange for this time of day

It is full of fish

But there are no people no ships nothing

Have you been sniffing again?

I do not have a habit

Would you hand me the book

On a morning at the end of August Yuri took a train to Gazetny Street to go to the Botkin Hospital (it was known as the Soldatenko Hospital in those days)

It was his first day at his new job

What book is that from?

Doctor Zhivago

It is a passage from the book just before Zhivago dies

Why are you reading it?

I have always read this passage

It makes me sad

Then why read it?

Here I am looking out at the ocean

The day is hot

But I can see no life

Are you sure you have not taken anything

Fuck off Kenny

The Lady in Lilac

The lady in lilac was a Swiss national

She was Mademoiselle Fleury from Melyuzeyevo and was by now very very old

For twelve years she had been writing to the authorities in Moscow for permission to return to her native country and quite recently her application had been granted

She had come to Moscow for her exit visa and was on her way to the embassy to collect it

Fanning herself with her documents which were done up in a bundle and tied with a ribbon

A lilac ribbon?

Shut up Milne

So she walked on overtaking the tram for the tenth time and quite unaware that she had passed Zhivago and survived him

Had the tram broken down?

Russian trams often do

Do they mind that you are copying passages from the book and are adding them to your short story?

Hopefully they do not care

If they do then I will remove them

But why are you interested in the lilac woman?

Because she was there when the Chinese girl was murdered

She was in trapped in Russia

Stalin was died in 1953 the murder took place in 1959

She was in California in 1959

Then why did she go back to Russia I know where I would rather be?

Because she had witnessed a murder

By a jealous boy friend

It was an open and shut case

This is sounding like the movie

The movie was about a serial killer

Anyway the lady in lilac is a fictional character so how could she have witnessed a murder

Even fictional characters witness murders

Hey folks I think we are in la la land again

I am off to the beach

Then my view will not be vacant

You cannot see the beach from this apartment

But I will know you are there

With thousands of others

You should give your nose a rest Nelly

Fuck off Kenny

I am about to

Bye Milne

Look after her

Nelly walked out on to the balcony

She quickly picked up her flop flops as the tiles were hot

You can see the house from here

What house?

The house where the murder took place


It is owned by a family called the Jacobson’s now

How do you know?

I asked them

And told them about the murder I suppose


That was nice of you

They needed to know

Why are you obsessed with the murder?

Because the boyfriend did not commit the murder

How do you know?

Because he was a homosexual and was being fucked by the owner of the house

He came around for his Wednesday afternoon fuck and disturbed the murderer

Who killed him?


Who owned the house in 1959?

A man called Dale Grant

Was he rich?

What do you think?

He had made a fortune in property and that house was his ocean hideaway and also the place where he fucked his boys

Did he pay them?

Of course

And the boyfriend?

He was being paid

What did the maid make of it all?

Grant made her walk around with no panties on to see if it turned on any of his rent boys if they became hard then he would throw them out

So he was not bisexual?

No one hundred per cent queer

So are you saying he killed the Chinese maid?

No he was a fat shit but he was not home when the murders took place

This is like the movie

No that was about a serial killer

This person killed only twice

The Chinese maid and her boyfriend

They why did the so called boyfriend call on that day

Because he was fucking the Chinese maid

And they were discovered

Was she an illegal?

Yes she had been in the state illegally for nearly a year after slipping across the Canadian border

Surely the cops did not fall for the jealous boyfriend card

You are fucking me correct


I am also fucking Gary so that I can stay in this lovely apartment

I know needs must

Are you not jealous?

No I like Gary

He likes to do kinky things

Such as

Threesomes with his mates

Girl on girl

You are just bating me Nelly

I know but did you not feel a bit of jealousy?


I knew you were lying

But if I had not been lying

It is 2022 things happen

It is 2016 Milne

I always work six years ahead Nelly

That is well known

So to you the murder tool place in 1965

Of course

I know that you are fucking Rebecca

Are you jealous?


Then why ask?

Because I am fucking Rebecca

I know

Are you not jealous that at times I prefer female company?

It is 2022 things happen

It is 2016 Milne

I always work six years ahead Nelly

That is well known

So to you the murder tool place in 1965

Of course

If the boyfriend did not kill the Chinese maid then who did kill her?

I am not sure that is why I asked you here this afternoon

What do you want me to do?

Call Rebecca


Call Rebecca


Because she is Swiss

What has that got to do with it?

The lady in lilac was Swiss

She was a fictional character

She was Rebecca’s maternal grandmother

Kenny is right you are on something Nelly

It all falls into place

The lady in lilac was also in the house when the boyfriend called and when she caught them together she blew them away

And made it look like a murder-suicide


What was her motive?

She was fucking Dale Grant

I thought you said that he was one hundred per cent queer

That is what he liked people to think

Where is he now?


Rebecca killed him in 1965

Rebecca was not born in 1965

She was

Well she must have been very young

What did she do throw her rattle at him?

Have you ever heard of time travel Milne?

I am losing it Nelly you are frying my brain

You must agree with me

Let’s see

One a minor character from a Russian novel killed a Chinese maid who was working illegally in this state

Two Rebecca is the maternal granddaughter of this fictional character and murdered Dale Grant in 1965

1971 to you

Ok 1971

And three that quiet studious woman who we share can travel in time


Milne am I wearing flip flops?

Yes because the tiles are hot

I am not wearing flip flops

You are I can see them

They are pale blue

I am not wearing flip flops

You are they are pale blue

In 2022 I will be wearing blue flip flops but I have not purchased them yet

What year is it Milne?


That is why I am bare footed

I prefer not to wear shoes

Even on hot tiles

The tiles are not hot

Nelly stood up and waved to a woman who was entering the house where the Chinese maid was murdered

Who are you waving at?

Mr Jacobson’s daughter

Do I know her?

You should do we both fuck her


You rang her don’t you remember

I have not used my phone this afternoon

You rang her ten minutes ago asking her to come across

I have no recollection of doing so

What year is it Milne


You rang her at 15.13 on the 6th of June 2016 here is the record

Nelly was examining my phone

Here listen to your call

Hi Rebecca this is Milne what are you doing?

Not much just enjoying the sun

Are you naked?


Do you want to come across to Nelly’s apartment for some fun?

Both of you together

Yes that is the general idea

Is Nelly up for it?

Nelly is up for anything

Then I will be at the Jacobson’s house in fifteen minutes

Why the Jacobson’s house?

We are investigating a murder you said

No I was inviting you around for some fun

I am sure that my grandmother committed the crime

Do not forget to dress

I am already dressed  

I handed my phone to Nelly

Is Kenny coming back?


Your brother Kenny

I have a sister called Rebecca but not a brother

He was here an hour ago

No I was alone

You were in bed with him when I arrived

He was fucking your brains out

Don’t you remember I watched the ball game whilst you both showered?

I have not showered today 

Smell me

Nelly leaned forward and lifted her arm

I must stink of sweat

You smell perfumed

I stink

No you smell of lilacs

The Chinese maid was slumped against the wall

She had been shot through her left eye

The boyfriend was also dead he had been shot in the temple

See it was the perfect murder- suicide

What year is it?


I was sniffing your lilac armpit seconds ago

It was 2022


So how could it be 1959?

You ask too many questions Lake

My name is Milne

In 1959 you were called Lake

I am returning to the apartment

That cannot happen


Gary’s apartment was not built until 2013

Don’t you remember you were one of the builders?

That is where I met you

So where is the lady in lilac?

In Pasternak’s novel as she has always been

Fictional characters cannot come to life

She was a figment of his imagination

So who killed the Chinese maid?

The boyfriend

She had given him a disease which he had passed on to Dale who as you imagine was not all that pleased

Dale was his meal ticket

A rich queer who was quite straightforward in his tastes

That was no reason to kill her

He could just have reported her to the authorities and she would have been deported

Just in time

I know what you are going to say

I was just going to comment on the state of the world in 1959

Amerika was a good place to be

Why are you spelling America with a k?

That is the way it is spelt

No as with California it is spelt with a c

Rebecca was standing at the bedroom door with a gun in her hand

They were doing it in front of me

He was fucking her even though she was diseased

Are you diseased?


So why kill them

Because they killed Yury


From the novel

They ripped the page out of my book and he came all over it

It was ruined forever

So you killed them


You said you killed them

No it was Dale

He was very pissed at the boyfriend for infecting him

But your book

What book?

Doctor Zhivago

You said he came over your book

He did

He came over the pages describing my grandmother

And it made you angry

No I often dampen my books

It saves visiting the bathroom

So where is Dale?

In his office downtown

So he shot both these people and has returned to his office


So what are you doing here?

He asked me to clear up the mess then ring the cops

We agreed that the lady in lilac would take any blame

But she is fictional

I am not fictional

But in the novel she is very very old

It was Pasternak’s red herring

To keep the cops off of the trail

But just look at them it looks like a classical murder-suicide

The boyfriend gets jealous that the Chinese maid is fucking Dale and he kills her

He then kills himself

It was a perfect crime

Open and shut

Why are you holding a gun?

Because you asked me to bring a gun when you called me

On the bed behind Rebecca I could see a naked middle aged man

He appeared to be dead and was bleeding from a head wound

Who is that on the bed?

Mr Jacobson I was fucking him when you came by

Nelly was sitting on the settee looking at the ocean

What year is it Nelly

2022 why do you ask?

No reason

Why are you wearing flip-flops?

Because the tiles on the balcony get hot at this time of the year

Kenny will be around in an hour he is bringing Rebecca

They got engaged yesterday

I have not met Rebecca where did he meet her

In Russia six years ago

He never mentioned her

I think he would have done but you may have been elsewhere  


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