Zabriskie Point

They shot a movie here once


It was about a couple of drop outs

Bobbie Mango was shuffling her feet in the sparse sand

This is where life started and where life will end

I did not answer

Bobbie Mango removed her glasses

Why is it called Zabriskie Point?

It was named after a certain Christian Zabriskie whose company used to transport Borax from Death Valley on mules

Bobbie Mango was wearing a shite tee shirt which she had purchased the day before

Sometimes the light is so clear that it distorts distances

You are not saying much Todd

I do not have much to say Bobbie

Were you thinking about Marco?

I am always thinking about Marco

He liked shite tee shirts

I think he would have liked Zabriskie Point


I was looking at the Red Cathedral

Bobbie Mango touched my arm

Did you see the movie?


What did you think of it?

I liked it

What was it about?

Dropping out

Finding the true America

I am not sure

The actress looked a little like you but she was a bit taller

Maybe I have heard of her

I doubt it

She was from Israel

The pink dawn was beginning to turn white

The light will be sharp silver this afternoon

Will we still be here?

I might take in some rays

Let’s stay here

Bobbie Mango removed her shite tee shirt

Tell me more about the movie Todd

I do not remember much about it

Did they get it on in the desert?

Yes for a while

This is a place where you could do anything or nothing

Do you want to fuck like they did in your movie?

We may be alone at present but people will show up

It does not bother me

I looked at Bobbie Mango who was stretched against a rock

She had pulled her cap across her face

See the sun is beginning to bother you already

We could stay here for the rest of the day and not speak


What did you say?



Why do you say that?

There was only one known actor in the movie

Who was that?

Rod Taylor

I have never heard of him

He was an Australian actor


He does not make movies anymore

Has he retired?

I don’t know this was the first and last movie I saw of his

How did you know he was famous?

I had heard of him

I had seen him on television

If you were writing a script how would you open it?

I have no idea

The light was flooding

Bobbie Mango smiled

I thought you were the writer

I never said that

Your script about Heinrich Heine was picked up

That was as far as it got

It was never made

That was their loss

Am I your Amalie?

You are far too earthy for Amalie

She was distant with the poet and it destroyed him in the long run

But I am blond

That is no qualification

Without Amalie would Heine have written the poetry he did?

I am not an expert

He would have written poetry but Amalie haunted his work

Am I your muse?

You do not seem to write about me

You are in my work

Am I your Amalie?

You have not said much today

We have spoken a great deal today


We had long conversations in the car

We spoke at length when we arrived here

But you seemed distant

Were you thinking about Marco?

I am always thinking about Marco

He liked shite tee shirts

So do I

If I was you I would put yours on as we have visitors

But I wanted a tan

Bobbie Mango threw her shite tee shirt in the air

I am never going to wear it again

It is up to you

Do you like it?

It suits you

I was a little scared

I needed company

We could have stayed in the motel

I enjoy being with you

I enjoy the time we spend together

I feel safe with you

We both wanted to visit Zabriskie Point and that is why we flew up here

Do you think Heine would have brought Amalie?

She would not have agreed on this journey

She was a self-centred girl

Am I self centred

No you share everything you have

Would you have stayed with me if I had been like Amalie?

That is an abstract question all I know you would not have destroyed me

Salt Lake Beds

Heat Rising

Why do you say that?

No reason

It isn’t poetry

I never said it was

Think of the first thing that comes into your head

Bobbie Mango kicked her sandals off and threw one away

See you have lost one of your sandals

I will not try to find it

Then how will you get back to the car

You will carry me like one of your mules

In this heat?

You played football at college

We did not play football in Death Valley

The strap was fraying it would have broken

I am not going to carry you


Gold Shimmering Afternoons

That’s better

Spring Flowers in the Winter

Sparse Rains

Exposed Ridges

Will you carry me?


You said you loved me


This morning in the motel

Did I?

If you do not carry me back to the car I will dispose of my shite tee shirt 

You will be the one who spends a night in jail

Heine would have carried Amalie

She would not have agreed to come out here

What are you doing?

I am burying my one good sandal


So that it may enjoy the beauty of Zabriskie Point

The next person will find it

The next person will not care

Not if I bury it deeply

Then it will not witness the beauty of this area

It will feel the beauty of this area

To feel is equally as important as seeing

I want to leave part of me here

Would Marco have liked my tee shirt?

He liked shite tee shirts

I think he would have liked Zabriskie Point

Then I will put it on and not embarrass you further Harry


That was Heine’s birth name

Smart girl

A number of people were exploring the area which an hour previously had been empty save for Bobbie Mango and myself

Some were taking photographs

Some were still

All were amazed  

An hour later we were in our car

You have not said much Bobbie

It took my breath away

Zabriskie Point?


It was pretty amazing

Why did you not take any photographs?

I wanted to remember it as it was

Perhaps you were right

Why did you not take any photographs?

I left my camera in the motel

What happened at the end of the movie?

I cannot remember


Well there was a modern house


There is an explosion

Who causes the explosion?

The girl

The boy

Rod Taylor



They return to civilisation

The boy steals a plane

They paint it in psychedelic colours

The girl leaves the boy after pleading with him not to fly the plane to LA

He is shot by the cops

But who causes the explosion?

The girl 

In her imagination she sees the house exploding  

So they return to civilisation 


One day we will bring our children here

I hope to return sooner and bring Marco

Marco is dead

I know

Why was the boy shot?

He was on the run


Yep very sad

I am not planning on getting shot

Neither am I

Bobbie Mango laughed and removed her shite tee shirt and threw it out of the window

Do you want me to stop the car?


We will be at the motel in an hour


Just tell them that my name is Amalie and that I am your cousin

They will understand


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