Superstar (Lunch Hour P1)

The train was six minutes late when it arrived at Dover station

I could see Geraldine waiting for me near the buffet

She had aged since I had last seen her but not unattractively so

You are late

Seventeen years late

When were you released?

About a month ago

Are they still following you?


I have seen them watching my house and the shop

They think it was part of a larger conspiracy

No I acted alone as you know

They are obsessed

I know

Corbett had to die if I had not assassinated him then somebody else would have done

Are you keeping well?

Yes I am happy at last

Do you live in Dover?


The end of England

How is Lynne?

She lives in London with her man

What does she do?

Something in the city she has a good job

Do you see her often?

Yes about once a month

What is she like?

She looks like me but is far cleverer

When Ralph left me she was there for me

It was because of her that I now own a flower shop

A flower shop?

Here in Dover not far from the sea

So Geraldine Lovell one time anarchist now owns a flower shop

Don’t take the piss I can see that you have not changed

I have greatly

Would you do it again?

Yes if another Corbett came along

What are your plans?

I am flying out to Piedmont on Wednesday

Betty has people out there  

What will you do out there?


Seventeen years is a long time

Where are you staying at present?

In a hotel

Would you like to stay with me for a few days?

That is very kind of you

No it will be nice to get to know each other again

As long as you do not talk about old times


That will fuck them off two known anarchists together

They will most likely think we are conspiring again

You will learn about flowers that’s all and maybe I will sleep with you

For old time’s sake

For old time’s sake

Geraldine reached into her brown leather handbag

This is for you

What is it?

A poem

Yes Lynne wrote it when you were jailed

You were her hero you know

You still are

The only one who had the guts to kill a corrupt Prime Minster

We all spoke about revolution but that was all it was talk

And smearing shit on industrialists cars

You were the true revolutionary

I opened the poem which had been written on a page of exercise book



It is of no concern to you what I think of myself

I have chosen you as my assassin

You are my superstar

Fifty grey angels await you in the city of fear

One has a rifle

Another will open the door

That will lead you to the rooftops

You will position yourself

And wait

One bullet changes everything

It is a form of democracy you see

A swarm of black dragonflies

Will provide you with cover

No-one is totally secure

The is the first rule

There are no others

Later you will hide with me in the desert

For thirty days plus ten

And then we will return in triumph


I handed the poem to Geraldine

No it’s yours she wanted you to have it

I do not think that she would write a poem such as this today

Maybe not

Does she know we are meeting?


I will tell her when I see her

But she has a life of her own

It is bad enough having a mother with a past

I understand

It is her job you know

Fear replaces fear

That never changes

Shall we go I will show you my flower shop and then we will go back to the house

My car is outside


To Be Continued

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