Sleeping in the Nude (Maud)

Do you sleep in the nude Maud

And show your breasts to the milkman

As you walk around your room

Do you leave erotic night notes

Amongst the fraying bottles

Asking for more cream

Or do you disappoint the poor man

And leave your drapes closed

Even in the summer


Did your brother kill your lover Maud

In an unwarranted duel

And were you left alone

Naked in your bed

Save for the bear

That your parents gave you

When they split up


Are your days dreamlike Maud

Or do you not dream

Do your sit on the train smartly dressed

Travelling to work

And read the Catholic Bible

Whilst considering your evenings masturbation


Why did you alienate your friends Maud

With your cold and remote manner

Why do you cherish the loneliness of your flat Maud

And the companionship of your flowers


Most think you as bleak and suicidal Maud

And do not really care

People in cities lack the faith that you possess

Your parents are dead

And your brother disappeared years ago

Hunted like a rabid dog

But you keep their photographs in a box


Duelling should be made legal  

You wrote in your diary Maud

On the day your lover died

But your words were empty

As you secretly disliked him

And only enjoyed the physical aspects of his love


I will tend your roses Maud

And expect nothing in return

Just stand at your window Maud

Fresh from your violet sheets

And welcome the day in all its sweetness

I expect nothing in return


Are you secretly modest Maud

And share the language of flowers

With only the few you trust

Or are you a platonic lover Maud

Only admirIing yourself

In the many mirrors that you possess


Do you sleep in the nude Maud

And walk around your room

Caressing the green wallpaper

Do you long to share in its dangers

Or do you lie on your bed Maud

Gently licking your fingers

And imagine the saline sea


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