Conversations with my Mother (Lunch Hour P3)

There were no attempts on my life during May and June and I fell into something of a summer stupor at the villa

I spent a lot of time around the pool with my host and his wife although I ensured that my gun was always nearby

My host and his wife seemed to me to be too good to be true and this aroused my suspicions although they gave me no cause to worry about them

They were friends of my sister and had been involved with revolutionary groups in the past

Why should I worry?

I was still being watched but this seemed to be scaled down

Or they were getting better at disguising themselves

I was given a number of DVDs to watch but none contained messages

Towards the end of June I was walking with my host’s wife

Her name was Pauline

This is very like the place where Jack went with Clara

Was it filmed here?

I do not know where it was filmed

Would you like me to bathe as Clara did in the movie?

Only if you want to

It was as Pauline was bathing that I realised that this was the place where George Clooney/Jack died in the movie

Had I taken the bait

I felt uneasy

But nothing happened

That evening as I was sitting in my room there was a dull thud against the window

I supposed it to be a bird strike but as soon as I looked out I could see that a single bullet had embedded itself in the frame of the window

This was my warning

I returned to the spot where Clara/Pauline had bathed hours earlier and found a rifle with a rose tied to its barrel

There was a note attached

It read

It is time to talk with your mother

Within the hour I was driving south having borrowed my host’s car

My mother was ill

That is all I said

They understood are offered me their car

On the dashboard was printed the opening lines from Eliot’s Burnt Norton

Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future

And time future contained in time past

I asked them the reason that they had attached these lines to the dashboard

I was told that there was no reason

After four hours driving I stopped the car

I needed a coffee

I was still being followed

My gun was in my jacket pocket

I drove through the night

But my tail had disappeared

Either that or they were very good

Again I took a break for coffee

However when I returned there was a small bag on the bonnet of the car

It contained a bullet

As I examined the bullet I received a text

It was from Lynne but had been sent via Geraldine’s phone


I understand you are on your way to Lipari

Do not go there as your life will be in danger

The is a contract out on your life

You pissed a lot of people off

Your mother is better

There is no need to visit her

Just keep on driving until you receive another text from me

The only time you should stop is if you see a woman wearing a Batman tee shirt

As they say in the movies

Trust no-one

After I was imprisoned my mother moved to Malta

Her father was Maltese

She had died ten years ago but occasionally visited her loved ones

I had not seen her for eighteen years

Did she take you into the woods?




Did she bathe or rather recreate the movie scene


Always be on your guard Stephen

I had my gun near me

My sister had known Pauline since they were at school

Trust no-one Stephen

Why do you think I sent you the DVD?

Did you want to fuck her Stephen?



Where am I going?

South but not to Lipari

Where to then?

Just drive Stephen

I need to sleep

Out of the question Stephen

I stopped the car and went into a small café for a coffee

When I returned a woman dressed in a Batman tee shirt was sitting on the bonnet of the car

Where are you going Stephen?

How did you know my name?

Well I figured that you were not called Tracey so it must be Stephen

What is your name?



Yes Batgirl

Where are you heading?


Good for me

I have been asked to give this to you

Batgirl gave me a DVD

It had no cover

What is the movie?

There is no movie

Then why give it to me?

I was told to

By whom

Commissioner Gordon

Open it

I am driving

Your destination is revealed

I flicked open the cover and a piece of paper fell into my lap

I opened it

Go to Lipari Stephen


Why fuck Stephen?

I was warned off of a place and now I am being told to go there



That is where the Bat Cave is


Stephen may I ask you a question?

Go ahead

In the movie

Which movie?

The American

The George Clooney movie


At the beginning of the movie he shoots the girl that he had fucked the night before

Would you have done the same?


Even if I had discovered you were a hit man

I am not a hit man

You shot the Prime Minister

It was an assassination not a hit

In Gotham City I fight evil but I never kill anyone

Not even the worst of the bad guys

I am happy for you

Thank you Stephen

Batgirl closed her eyes and soon was asleep

Good Night Batgirl

An hour later she asked me to drop her off at a railway station as she knew there was a train to Gotham City due


To Be Continued



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