
I am sitting on a hot railway platform next to an amputee in shorts

She is playing chess with a blind boy much scarred

On her radio a song is playing

I am dreaming
dreaming beaming dreaming
beaming at the thought of you

All the paths lead to the beach

Some are sandier than others

And have thin wooden fences

Others are not fenced

A girl is sitting in a silver bus shelter

On the edge of the beach

She is reading USA by John dos Passos

The author is sitting at her feet

Reading USA by John dos Passos

They both ignore me as I pass

The Family FIre Five

Invite me to share a meal

At their beachside café

I accept and listen to their radio as I eat

It is playing a song that I recognise

I am dreaming
dreaming beaming dreaming
beaming at the thought of you

I give my golden fish to a screaming dog

As I was requested to do

By the girl with no legs

Who led me into a shallow room

On the very edge of the sea

Where she shared my dreams

And played chess with a blind boy much scarred


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