Engels in Manchester

Betty and Hal were sitting in a small seafront café in Eastbourne

They had spent the day walking and were taking a well-earned break

Betty was reading a newspaper that had been left on a nearby table

I see he is returning

Who is returning?

Engels he is returning to Manchester

Has he not been dead for a number of years?

Yes he died in August 1895

They pray tell me how Engels in returning to Manchester

He was exiled to a town called Engels in Russia

Ok I am still with you although I have always believed that he died in London

He did on the 5th of August 1895

Then what was he doing in Russia?

Do you know much about his love life?


Well two sisters played a large part in his life


That is a remark that I expected from you

I am a working class intellectual or so you tell me

I am not sure about the second part but you certainly fulfil the criteria for the first part

Is that all your posh school taught you?

To look down on the working classes

May I continue?

Go ahead


Well Engels met a woman named Mary Burns in the 1840s and stayed with her until her death in 1863

She died quite young then

Sadly yes

Marx’s daughter Eleanor did note that in her later years that she drank to excess although I am led to believe that she succumbed to heart disease

But both Marx and his daughter noted in their correspondence that she was very good natured and witty and also rather pretty in her younger years

Before the drink took hold of her

There was very little written about her and all we have to rely on is the references in the letters of Marx and his daughter  

So what about the other sister was it a sort of secret ménage a trois?

Not to my knowledge and I know where you are going

Lydia was their housekeeper that’s all

Lydia I thought her name was Lizzie?

You know about this

Bits and pieces

Well although her name was Lydia she was known as Lizzie

It appears that when Mary died that Lizzie became his partner until her death in 1878

They never married

Well yes and no

As you know Engels considered marriage a bourgeois institution

However Lizzie became morally ill in the September of 1878 and out of respect for her religious beliefs he married her a few hours before she passed away

Her death shattered Engels

He said this about her

Betty reached into her jacket pocket and took out a small notebook

My wife was a real child of the Irish proletariat and her passionate devotion to the class in which she was born was worth much more to me (and helped me more in times of stress) than all the elegance of an educated artistic middle class bluestocking

So good old Engels would not have fancied your input then

I am not a blue stocking

You went to Oxford

That does not make me a bluestocking

With a slight irritation Betty handed her notebook to Hal

Here you are smart arse everything you wanted to know about Friedrich Engels

You have not answered my main question

What is that?

Whether I want another cup of tea or not

Well there’s the tea pot and I think you know where your cup is

Slowly and with a hint of theatre Hal poured himself a cup of tea

My question is how can a man who died in 1895 be returning to Manchester?

It is his statue you fool

A statue of Engels is being transported from the town of Engels in Russia to Manchester later this year

Engels in Russia?

Yes it is a port city on the Volga and is connected to the city of Saratov by a three kilometre long bridge

You have heard of Saratov?

Yes it was closed city until the fall of the Soviet Union

What else do you know?

That Engels was renamed in 1931

I wish somebody would name a city after me

You were the mad computer in 2001

Given but they could have hardly called it Betty could they?

Well going back to the newspaper article it appears that the statue is being transported from the city named after him to the city that meant so much to him

Why are the Russians giving Manchester the statue?

They have decommissioned it for some reason

Shall we go and see it?

It has not been unveiled yet

I believe it will be unveiled at the end of the Manchester International Festival later this year

Shall we attend the ceremony?

If you want to

Then that’s a date 

Yes that will be nice

Betty looked at the counter of the café which had become busier

Stay here and I will settle the bill

Hal watched his friend as she walked toward the counter

When he thought she was not looking he pulled a small piece of stone from his pocket

Shortly afterwards Betty returned and began to put her anorak on

What is that?

A piece of stone

I can see that

Where did you get it?

At Beachy Head earlier today

I wondered what you were doing near the edge of the cliff

You thought I was going to finish myself off

No such luck

This stone would have been in the area in 1895

If you say so

What happened at Beachy Head in 1895?

Engels ashes were scattered off of Beachy Head as per his wishes

Well there you are

Here is a stone that was there on that sad day

It would have been touched by the dust of the great man

That stone you see on this table has traces of Friedrich Engels within it

Over one hundred and twenty years later?

Yes there will be traces of your hero within that stone

His DNA could be found

Here do take it with you to Manchester so that he can be there at the unveiling ceremony

Betty kissed Hal lightly on the cheek and blushed slightly

Do not think I have forgiven you

But it was thoughtful of you Hal

Come on lets hurry as we have train to catch

Our day is nearly complete


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