The Middle of the World

Unkempt Koithko

On my first day in the seminary he took the register and told us that if we were going to hang ourselves then it was better to use a strong well made rope over a metre in length

He had tried it himself with a shorter less sturdy rope and had failed

Unkempt Koithko

The ginger youth opposite me remained silent

Unkempt Koithko

Is that your name sir?

Yes that is my name

Then why do you not answer me?

I did not feel I had to

Then you are not a Christian

Please leave this room


The Examination Papers (Fragment)

I awoke early that morning and found the examination papers on the desk in the hall

I noticed that mine had been stamped with the examiners stamp

Most promising candidate

This left me cold as I considered myself quite ordinary

I might have done well in the preliminary exams but this should not have been taken into account

How much did I know about Hardy’s Wessex Tales?

Did I know them at all?

At that exact moment I considered I knew nothing

Nothing at all

My paper was going to be as disaster

I returned to the main room and found Mary putting her bra on

This was not usual for her as she usually went braless under her shirt

But today was a different day

The day of our main examination

I wished the day away

I wanted to return to normality

Rob was up and had dressed smartly for the day

He was speaking to Mary who was now wearing a sensible business suit

I wanted Mary to act as she did on those hot days in our apartment

I wanted her to walk around topless wearing only her shorts or her panties

But then again Rob and I took little or no notice of her preferring to watch either sport on television or just chat lazily on the sunny balcony

That was the way it was

But today was different we were being invaded

Two officials from the examination board were due at ten to oversee our four hour exam

They had already set the desks out in our second room

This had been done when I was out

Rob looked at me

Are you not going to clean up?

I am clean

You are not to going to take your exam in your jogging bottoms and a tee shirt are you?

I looked at the clothes I was wearing

Possible not as I slept in them but I will only wear jeans and a beach shirt when I change

Is that wise?


Why did you think Mary and I have dressed up?

To impress the examiners

You are too casual Graham

I am not casual I just like to be relaxed

It just comes too easily for you

What comes easily?

Everything academic I have seen your paper

Most promising candidate

That only means that they will mark me more strictly

Mary came into the room carrying a tray

There were three mugs of coffee

Do be careful guys

Do not spill any especially after all this preparation

She looked at me

And Graham please do not argue with me

Your business suit is hanging from the door

I have ironed you a shirt


No buts

When you have finished your coffee please change

Rob smiled

You do not have a chance mate just conform and things will return to normal in a few hours

The past is another country

The Queen of Hearts

In Hendon in the 1960s there was a woman called Anna C Earle who had blemishes all over her body

The strange thing about these blemishes was that they were in the shape of three of the four suits of French playing cards

Clubs DIamonds Spades

Anna was brought up in the Catholic faith and ensured that no-one saw her blemishes except for her close female friends

One of these friends recorded in her diary that whilst Anna had blemishes

That they were only in the shapes of three of the four suits

She noted that she had not seen any Heart shaped blemishes on Anna’s body which she knew quite well

When challenged Anna had told her friend that she indeed had all four suits and played cards with the Virgin Mary quite frequently when at prayer

In 1990 Anna disappeared whilst hiking in the Scottish Highlands

Although she was never found it did not really concern her closest friends as they knew her to be something of a Joker

Only the King and Queen and her brother Jack expressed any regret that Anna had vanished without trace

And they often appeared on television poker faced requesting further information about the whereabouts of the mysterious Anna C Earle


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