Living the Dream

The Little Blue Glass Pyramid and Muriel go to Clacton

It was a very hot summer’s day in Clacton during what had been quite an ordinary summer

The Little Blue Glass Pyramid and Muriel had left their lodgings quite early and were walking towards the beach

As normal The Little Blue Glass Pyramid was in a foul mood

He did not like crowds and Clacton was full of very pale people who had saturated the small seaside town

Before we go to the beach let’s pop into a newsagents and buy a Sunday paper

A middle aged cyclist dressed entirely in Lycra passed them on the narrow pavement

Hey there is a road there you bloody idiot

Really Blue do you always have to react when someone rides on the pavement

It is because I cannot stand men in Lycra cycling on pavements

Whatever do they look like?

There is something a little perverted about men wearing Lycra

Be quiet Blue

And they have the cheek to ride on pavements

Be quiet Blue

Because they are afraid that the big nasty cars might squash them    

Teach then a lesson

Be quiet Blue

Muriel stopped outside of a newsagents shop and picked a copy of the Daily Mail from the rack in front of the main display window

Make yourself useful and pay for the paper

I will choose a couple of postcards for Florrie and Florrie

Just across the road from the newsagents there was a scruffy weathered bus shelter where both The Little Blue Glass Pyramid and Muriel could see a child of about eight crying

Her mother looked slightly at a loss as to how to quieten the child

Do you think that she needs assistance?

I would keep out of it

None of our business

Muriel ignored her husband and crossed the road

Sorry to poke my nose in but can I help?

Have you purchased a Daily Mail today?


Are you planning to keep the free gift?

No I was planning to bin it

I know this is a cheek but little Cherry Cherry here has lost her how to identify your visitor from outer space identification pack and has not been able to help her alien who then ran away

But she has found another one

Muriel glanced up and saw the visitor from outer space standing half hidden in the shadows

Blue you do not want the identifiy your visitor from outer space identification pack do you?

Why should I

Waste of time

Send them all back I say

Muriel pulled the small polythene bag from the newspaper and handed it to the child

There you are my dear call your alien friend over and now you can identify him

It encourages them you know

I do not know why the newspaper did it in the first place

I have a thought to write to them

Many will have the same idea as me

Be quiet Blue otherwise we will not visit the beach

The mother of the child took the alien by his hand and led him towards the bench next to her daughter

Just follow the directions my dear

The child pulled the green numbered sticker from the adhesive pad

What is your name?



Yes  ay dee ooo

With a surprising dexterity the child added the details of the alien onto the sticky badge


The child stuck the badge on to the worn jacket of the alien

Now be off with you and do not leave the town or the police will bring you back

The alien smiled


Say thank you to the kind lady Julie Julie

Thank you that was gracious of you and The Little Blue Glass Pyramid

Nothing to do with me

Send them back I say

The mother and the child left the bus shelter and walked in the general direction of the fun fair

If you do not cheer up then you will not go to the beach

You are spoiling the day

I am serious you will not sit on the beach and have people admire you and your wonderful colours

The Little Blue Glass Pyramid was reading the bus timetable

Are you finished?

I was waiting for you

Before we go to the beach and don’t moan about it I am going to pop into The Magic Rainbow Sparkling Rock Shop


To look around

I always visit The Magic Rainbow Sparkling Rock Shop when we are in Clacton

I do not remember going into that silly shop

We come all this way and all you do is waste time in sweaty shops  

The Magic Rainbow Sparkling Rock Shop is not a silly shop

I just want to sit on the beach and be admired

Then behave yourself

Muriel and The Little Blue Glass Pyramid walked along the coastal path towards the new development where The Magic Rainbow Sparkling Rock Shop was now located

They entered through the automatic doors

Now just stay here and do not move and try not to look so bored

And whatever you do never progress into the store

You remember what happened last time

You were purchased by a family from Lincoln and spent two weeks in that city before I found you

Happiest two weeks of my life

Stop muttering if you want to say something say it 

I will stay here

And then we will go to the beach

Do not stray

And that is where the day ended

Muriel brought a selection of rock from The Magic Rainbow Sparkling Rock Shop and then as promised The Little Blue Glass Pyramid was allowed to go the beach where he was much admired

He also met The Small Yellow Dot who was appearing for the season at the Summer Theatre

As for the visitors from outer space the initiative by newspaper was ill prepared and the gum used on the badges proved ineffective

Within the day most of the free identify your visitor from outer space badges had become detached

This caused the local police something of a problem as many of the visitors from outer space became disorientated and wandered out of the town and became lost in rural Essex


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