The Subject of my Dream

As I walked along the beach I found a large marquee

A barefoot woman of about forty years approached me

Would you like an olive?

This island is famous for its olives

The woman although having the complexion of an islander had the most vivid blue eyes

Are you English?

I cannot remember my nationality as I woke up on the beach a short while ago

From the way you are dressed I would think that you are sailor or a fisherman

I looked at the many tables and the people who were gathering around them

Is this a food festival?

Yes it is held once a year

I looked at the woman’s vivid blue eyes

She looked down

You are admiring my eyes?

Are you an islander?


I am also the daughter of a German soldier

Are you aware of the recent history of this island?

I know the history of the war but not of this island

Does it have a name?


 But it no longer has a name


Terrible things happened here during the war and when peace returned it was decided to erase the name of the island from the books

Even on this very beach forty-five people were murdered

That is why this festival is held

To remember their souls

This is an island famous for its olives

If you look over there you can see my daughter

A girl of about eighteen years smiled at her mother

She had identical eyes


Vivid blue eyes

Was you mother attacked by the German soldier?

You mean was my mother raped by the German soldier


And he was not a small soldier

He was a commander and had been sent to this island after being injured early in the war

The previous commander was recalled and died in action six months later

That caused sadness because he was a fair man

Did the atrocities occur later in the war?

In the second half of the war yes

Before that although the island was occupied it was peaceful

When we were invaded the Germans found no resistance only women children and the elderly

All the fit men of the island were away fighting

Things soon returned to normal and the elders on the island came to an unofficial agreement with the Germans as to what was acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour

We all thought we would see out the war in relative peace

That was until the partisans arrived in 1944

They attacked the German’s and broke the peace

Many German’s died

My father knew that the island would be punished and it was not long before the hell soldiers arrived

They were brutes and operated a hot earth policy

A scorched earth policy


A scorched earth policy

The island was indeed burnt

Many died horribly

How did you escape?

My father was a good man

He warned the islanders of what was about to happen

But most took little notice

They wanted the island to be free

The partial success of the partisans had inspired a false confidence

My father took us to the caves with a few loyal soldiers

He was a tired man who had seen enough of the war

He hid with us for a while and left us lightly armed

But we did not have to use the German guns  

What happened to your father?

He lied

He returned to the town and was horrified at what he saw

But he kept his composure and lied to the hell soldiers  

He told them that the south of the island had been cleared

And he was believed

They were stupid enough to believe his shallow lie

And then he vanished

The brutes did not stay on the island for long

Their bloodlust was satisfied

And when it was safe to do so we came down from the caves and buried our dead

Over one hundred and sixty people had been cruelly murdered

Did you see your father again?

Oh yes

For many years I thought he was dead but in 1960 my mother received a letter from Germany

My father was alive and still is

He had been arrested and was on his way back to Germany when the ship he was on was sunk by a torpedo

Many were killed but he survived and reinvented himself after the war

But he always wanted to come back to the island but was not sure how he would be received

It took him fifteen years to write that letter

He and his wife visit the island quite often

When his health permits the journey

On the day he returned he was welcomed as the good commander

 Whose compassion and bravery saved us from being slaughtered  

That is why I have blue eyes and my daughter has blue eyes

It is the heritage of my late mother’s war  


I was lying against a stone slab which had been crudely painted some years before

It was advertising Esso

Next to me were a man and a woman

Both were sunbathing

I could see their valuables inside her string bag


I knew that I should not be on the beach

And that this was just a dream


A teenage boy came up to me

He gave me a slice of melon

There has been a shark attack off of Ascension Island today

A British woman has been injured

I thought you would like to be made aware of this incident

Thank you but I am not aware of my nationality

Borders do not exist in dreams


Although the day was becoming hot there were banks of mist over the distant sea

Ships were hidden although the sounds of their radio shows could be clearly heard


Behind me there was a rough path which still showed the scars of the recent rain

Deep puddles were inhibiting the access of the people intending to visit the beach


I was walking along another path which was much smoother but still retained shallow puddles

I was not wearing shoes and the water was warm to the touch

I closed my eyes in an attempt to end my dream


In the beachside shops the assistants wore no shoes

Indeed everybody was barefoot

I asked a passing baker why nobody wore shoes in the island


Once this was a noisy island full of celebration

But after the war nobody chose to wear shoes

And the island became silent


Even on the roughest ground shoes were not worn

This did not damage the islander’s feet

Only visitors suffered damage to their feet

And this was rectified by prayer


I returned to the crudely painted stone slab

And stretched out on the fine sand

I closed my eyes but did not dream

I was searching for my reality



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