The Policewoman

I was sitting in my car

Opposite a rubber factory

That was above a river

In my mirror I saw a policewoman coming towards me

Is this your car sir?


I have reason to believe that you have been driving it illegally

What makes you say that?

I saw you drive into this car park

This car park used to be a memorial garden to the dead of both wars

It is now a car park

Can I see your driving licence?

I handed the policewoman my driving licence and wondered if she had pubic hair or as with the fashion had shaved her pubic area

May I ask you a question officer?

You are driving illegally sir

Do you shave your cunt?

Have you ever taken a driving test sir?

When I was growing up most women had hairy pubic areas but it seems today that depilation is fashionable

Do you realise that you have committed an offence by driving without having passed your test

Are you insured?


Is this your car?


It was reported stolen according to my latest information

I was given it when I was a baby

Would you please step out of your car sir

I stepped out of the car and stood next to the policewoman who to my slight surprise was nearly my height

What is the most painful thing that has ever happened to you officer?

I lost my lover in a car crash six years ago

What was her name?


Are you still grieving?


Have you ever visited the art gallery in this town?


Then once you have finished with me visit the gallery

I am on duty

Fuck duty

Why should I visit your art gallery?

You are still suffering are you not?

I am shaven as I find it cleaner and more agreeable when I masturbate

Do you read philosophy?


Arthur Schopenhaeur mentioned art and aesthetics more than once in his works

We had made love

Did you have pubic hair at the time?

Yes and we had both trimmed our bushes into a heart shape

Like Mary Quant

It was our declaration of love to each other

A temporary way to escape pain is to contemplate aesthetics

She died in head on smash just hours later

Her pillow was still warm when I returned home that evening

Aesthetics allows one to escape the void of despair although this is a temporary experience

Is that why art galleries close at night?

You jest

Music is the purest form of art both Schopenhaeur and Nietzsche both believed this to be true

Do you like music?


Such as

Rock and Roll

I like dance music

Hardcore and that sort of stuff

To Schopenhaeur music depicted the will without being subject to the Principle of Sufficient Grounds and was therefore an object in itself

Are those your conclusions?

No I have stolen them as I am a worthless car thief who has been driving without a licence

What is that on your back seat sir?

A dead fox

How did it die?

I ran it over

Most drivers leave kill on the roads why did you pick it up?

I did not want it to be given a Christian burial

Are you an atheist sir?


I love God but I know that man has murdered God and I did not want the fox to experience this pain

You are an honourable man sir

Are you going to arrest me officer?


Then I will take my leave of you

It is not that easy

What do you want of me?

I want you to come to my residence and keep me company

Do you want me to fuck you?

No just keep me company

And if I refuse

Then I will arrest you

Leave your car here and come with me

What about the fox

Throw it into the river

But rivers are a Christian symbol

Throw it in the river or let it rot it is up to you

I picked up the shattered body of the broken fox and threw it into the river

A number of factory workers watched me do so

They applauded my action and cast the body of the owner of the factory into the deep river also

I applauded their actions

In the afterlife (and there is an afterlife) the owner of the factory and the fox became good friends

That was of great comfort to me as I had murdered God


I found myself lying on a large bed

The policewoman was next to me

We were both naked

I was awake

The policewoman was asleep

I was lying on my back

The policewoman was lying on her stomach

I looked at her arse

It was not a pleasant arse

It was rather large and showed a good deal of cellulite

I looked around her room

It was the room of a grieving policewoman

On the wall was a photograph of a woman who I assumed to be Lou

But what disturbed me was the presence of a rather large window which did not look out on to the street but into the house next door

As far as I could work out the window was positioned at carpet level on the first landing on a staircase in the house

From my supine vantage I could see the upper landing and at the base of the stairs two doors both open

After a while a woman descended the stairs and stopped

She was looking at us

I tried to cover myself but there was no sheet

My penis began to stiffen

This was a weakness of mine

I did not just drive illegally but was an exhibitionist

The woman smiled and resumed her journey

So apart from being an illegal driver you are also an exhibitionist and a voyeur

The policewoman was facing me

I looked at her cunt

It was not shaven indeed she had a large amount of pubic hair that crept slightly on to her thighs

You said you were shaven

I lied

Why did you lie?

Because you lied to me

How did I lie to you?

You said that the car was yours when indeed it was stolen also the poor fox that you cast into the river was not dead

It was I killed it with my car

It was very much alive when you cast it into the river

That is why I lied to you

The woman who had looked at us through the window returned

I felt my penis harden once again

It grew even harder when I realised she was naked

I watched her as she ascended the stairs

She is not naked

You want her to be naked

But she is not naked

She is your ideal projection

You became erect for no reason

I liked the idea that she could see us both naked

I am an exhibitionist

And a voyeur

Are you naked?


Well why did I imagine that the woman the other side of the window was naked and not imagine you naked

Because you do not find me attractive I am quite ordinary and I know that

The woman behind the window was far more attractive than me


Yes was



There is no house next door

I guessed that

There is no window

It is an extension of my grief

Why did I witness it?

Because you interrupted my dream

The policewoman slid out of the bed and walked towards the kitchen table

As I watched her move around the kitchen I realised that she was indeed a number of pounds overweight

Her whole body seemed to sag under its own duress

She lit a cigarette and moved towards the window that overlooked the high street

Is it eleven yet?

Why do you ask?

Because each day unless I am on duty I stand here so that two men can masturbate over me

They live in apartments six and twenty-eight across the road

If they are not there or if any other apartments are occupied I desist with my exposure

Are they there today?

Yes one of them is there

Is he masturbating?


I only stand here as long as it takes me to smoke a cigarette and then I move away from the window

Do you touch yourself?

No I just smoke a cigarette

Do you know these men?

Yes I have met them both

You are very accommodating does it turn you on


Then why do it

To give pleasure to them

Who are they?

One is a twenty-eight year old man called Phillip who suffers from Downs Syndrome

He lives with his sister in apartment six

But she is a businesswoman who is away quite often

She has employed a carer

But the carer does not care

She is a slut

She has named him Cunt and often masturbates in front of him

He cannot react as he is confined to a wheelchair

He just watches and weeps

Do you not upset him by doing to same?

I asked you the time


You told me it was eleven in the morning

It was

Well Phillip is still wearing his pyjamas and it is quite easy for him to pull his cock out and smack off over me

The carer is always late

She does not care

Sometimes she does not even change his pyjamas

She tells the sister that her brother masturbates frequently

The sister believes the lie

But I know what is going to happen

I removed myself from the bed and sat at the kitchen table

One day that slut will cause his suicide

She will abuse him once too often and he will fade into death

I poured myself a coffee

From the corner of my eye I could see the window that led into the house next door

Lou was crouching and watching us both

I felt myself becoming hard again

But you are a policewoman can you not put a stop to this?

What proof have I got?

It is not desirable to tease a deficient brain but as far as I can see not illegal

But she masturbates in front of him

Lou was crouching and watching us both

She was also urinating on the stairs

I could see her golden liquid as it splashed against the panes of the internal window

I touched my aroused penis

My hand was hot from the heat of my coffee cup and soon my blood  began to recede

I turned my chair slightly as to obscure the internal window

But I still could hear the flow dripping down the panes

How can I prove it?

All I can do is give him some pleasure

One hot day he will topple out of that window and die in agony on the street below

The carer will not be blamed

She will pretend to be upset

It would be put down as a tragic accident

But she will not be blamed

But I will know the true reasons for Phillip’s suicide

He would have killed himself in despair

The sister will be secretly glad

After the mourning period

She will be a free woman

The carer will apply to join the police force and she will be accepted

Are you the carer?

Good question and an obvious one but no I am a different person

The policewoman joined me at the kitchen table

She was facing the internal window

But knew it was not there

Only I knew that her lover was not dead

I looked for my clothes

Where are my clothes

I disposed of them


You had no need of them

I did not answer

The policewoman smiled at me

You are thinking about the old man in apartment twenty-eight

Today is not his day

His mother takes him home twice a week

Today is one of those days

The apartment in empty


I was sitting in my car

Opposite a rubber factory

That was above a river

In my mirror I saw a policewoman coming towards me

Is this your car sir?


I have reason to believe that you have been driving it illegally

What makes you say that?

I saw you drive into this car park

This car park used to be a memorial garden to the dead of both wars

It is now a car park

Can I see your driving licence?

Am I naked?

Should you be?

You disposed of my clothes

I assure you sir that I did not dispose of your clothes  

You are fully dressed  

 May I see your driving licence?

Do you realise that as a teenager Ludwig Wittgenstein was attracted to Schopenhauer’s epistemological idealism

Do you have a driving licence sir?

He studied the philosophy of mathematics

Please would you show me your driving licence and desist from staring at me

He rejected Schopenhauer’s epistemological idealism for Gottlob Frege’s conceptual realism

As he grew older Wittgenstein dismissed Schopenhauer as a shallow thinker

 Wittgenstein was a homosexual I believe

Here is my driving licence

I do not like homosexuals

You are a homosexual woman

There is no such thing

The policewoman placed my driving licence into her tunic pocket

You have been driving illegally sir

I am aware of that

The policewoman looked into the rear window of my car

Why are you carrying a dead fox in your car?

Because it wanted to travel the world

How did it die?

I ran it over

Most drivers leave kill on the roads why did you pick it up?

Because I killed the fox

Most drivers leave kill on the roads why did you pick it up?

Because the fox wanted to travel the world

In a few short hours the fox will begin the decomposing

That will not bother me

I will drive with the windows open

That is the least I can do

Decomposition in any living creature is a crude experience

Tell me if you saw a tall mountain and you wanted to see the summit what would you do?

If the conditions were correct then I would hire an airplane to fly over the summit of the mountain

Would that fulfil you?

I think so

You would feel no pain only pleasure

Why would I want to feel pain?

If that was me I would climb the mountain no matter how treacherous it was


To feel the ultimate pleasure and happiness one must feel pain

Otherwise it is an empty experience

The policewoman opened her tunic pocket and handed me my driving licence

Wittgenstein was a homosexual I believe

Here is your driving licence sir

I do not like homosexuals

You are a homosexual woman

There is no such thing

All women are bisexual

That is a proven fact

So lesbians are just bisexual

No I did not say that

Lesbians are men but for the most part they are harmless

So you are saying that homosexuals are different



Well it comes down to the gender I suppose

On the whole women are gentle caring creatures whereas men throughout history have been the hunter-gatherers

It is a character defect in both genders but far more dangerous in men

But what about bisexual men?

There is no such animal

So you are saying to me that most women are bisexual if they only admitted it to themselves but men are either heterosexual or homosexual


It is down to gender

That is a male fantasy

Two women together

Given I agree with you

But homosexuality is a character weakness a character defect 

I am a lesbian

You are not a lesbian

Have you slept with men?


How many?

I have not counted them

Give a rough guess

About eight

Did you enjoy the experience?


Given that Lou is now dead would you fuck a man again?


You have answered your own question no matter how deep your relationship was with Lou it was not a lesbian relationship

If she had not died we would still be together

She was a perfect creature

Did you fuck men during your time with Lou?


Did she fuck men?

I believe so


I am not sure

We were considering marriage

Marriage is a social institution

Homosexual marriage is social vandalism

God does not approve of homosexual marriage

You told me that God is now dead

I know I killed him


I was back in the policewoman’s room and was still sitting at the table.

The dead lover of the policewoman was fellating me under the table

The policewoman was standing at the window smoking a cigarette

The old man is in his apartment

You dead lover is fellating me

Nobody is fellating you

It is your fantasy

Even though you find me unattractive my exhibitionism id turning you on

I looked under the table

There was nobody there

Is the old man masturbating?

No he is too frail to masturbate

Then why are you standing there?

His sister is masturbating him

This is his last day

The old man is dying

It is her last gift to him

By this time tomorrow he will know if God exists or not

He will have an advantage over you and me

The policewoman smiled and sat on the bed

It is all over now

What about his sister

She will get over it

She is obsessed with her brother and his happiness

Like Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth

Hers was a gentle love

Elisabeth’s was different she had a different agenda

The old man’s sister has no agenda

It was pure love

What did she think of your exhibition?

She appreciated my contribution

I felt that I was being fellated again and saw Lou’s head between my thighs

How did you know that?

She told me so

We exchanged Christmas cards

God is dead

How do you know that God is dead?

Because I murdered him

Suddenly I felt a terribly pain

Lou had bitten my penis

I screamed out in pain

But the policewoman did not notice my distress


I was sitting in my car

Opposite a rubber factory

That was above a river

In my mirror I saw a policewoman coming towards me

Is this your car sir?


I have reason to believe that you have been driving it illegally

What makes you say that?

I saw you drive into this car park

This car park used to be a memorial garden to the dead of both wars

It is now a car park

Can I see your driving licence?


I was sitting in my car

Opposite a rubber factory

That was above a river

In my mirror I saw a policewoman coming towards me

Is this your car sir?


May I see your driving licence

Of course  

 The policewoman inspected my driving licence and handed it back to me

This car park used to be a memorial garden to the dead of both wars

It is now a car park

Are you visiting this town as I notice that your accent is not local?

You are right I am from miles away

I was going to pass your lovely town but unfortunately I hit a fox and killed it

I did not want to leave it in the road so I took a detour and was looking to bury it near the river

So you have visited this town before

Yes on occasions

The policewoman looked at the corpse of the fox which was stretched out in death on a blanket

I have very little occasion to use my back seat but today it has been of use

What a beautiful creature

I agree

When I was a child in this town we used to bury all the dead creatures we found under the trees to the left of the library

I think that would be an acceptable resting place for the fox

Thank you I will purchase a spade and bury the creature

By the time I had buried the fox I found that it was nearly five in the afternoon so I chose to spend the night in the town

The main hotel was called The Swan and I chose a room with a view of the main bridge

I rested for a while and caught up with my paperwork before showering

As I approached the restaurant I noticed that the policewoman was at the bar ordering drinks

Small world

Yes it is

I decided to spend the night in the town

The Swan is a splendid hotel

Lou and I are planning to hold our reception here on Saturday

Your reception?

Yes we are getting married on Saturday


Although I did not see her at first a smaller woman joined us at the bar

She was attractive but not in conventional way with busy eyes and rather unkempt hair

I do not know your name

Martin my name is Martin

Martin this is Lou

She has agreed to become my wife on Saturday

Lou stepped forward and shook my hand

The policewoman realising that she had not formally introduced herself also shook my hand

Sorry this was remiss of me my name is Salome

May I buy you both a drink to celebrate the great day?

I was invited back to the table where the women were dining

Although they tried to hide their emotions I could see their excitement

Did you bury the fox under the trees?

Yes it is a beautiful place

Lou gave Salome a look of recognition

Sadly Martin killed a fox and decided to bury it in our town

We ate our meal together although I offered to be excused

Neither of the women would hear of it and we engaged in small talk which was too trivial to record

It was as I was leaving that Salome touched my hand

Martin would you do something for us both

Yes it would be a pleasure

As I answered both women removed the pendants from around their necks

Both were handed to me

As you can see the glass lockets contains hair

It is our pubic hair

We exchanged these lockets after our first night together

But now as we are going to marry their use is complete

Would you keep them for us until we meet again?

One day one us will lose the other and will suffer great pain

But through this pain there will be life again

When this happens the surviving partner will contact you

I may be dead also

I know that you will make plans

How will you know where to find me?

That is the easy part

The locket with the lighter hair is mine and the locket with the slightly darker hair is Lou’s please keep them safe

Keep the lockets under lock and key or in a bank safety box if you like but they must be kept safe

I understand I will choose the position with great care

Thank you it means a lot to both of us

I left the table and both women kissed me on my cheek

I placed the lockets in my jacket pocket but did not vacate the bar

Both women followed me

Why did you check my licence earlier?

It was part of a police initiative to clamp down on illegal drivers

Did I look illegal?

No such thing

I knew that you were the right person as soon as I met you

Instinct told me so

To take care of your lockets


You have not answered this question

What was your question?

Let’s say fifty years pass by and one of you dies

How would you know where to find me?

That is the easy part

I could be on the other side of the world

It would be difficult to locate me

No it would be the easiest task


I would just ask the first person I found of your location

They would most likely be ignorant of me

They would not be ignorant of the man who murdered God


I found myself lying on a large bed

The policewoman was next to me

We were both naked

I was awake

The policewoman was also awake

I was lying on my back

The policewoman was lying on her stomach

So you found me

That was the easy part after Lou’s death

I just asked the first person I found of your location

They would have been ignorant of me

They were not ignorant of the man who murdered God

I found you quite easily and here we are occurring again



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