Beach Scenes Deal Kent (June 10th 2017)

I will share my cinnamon biscuits with you if you share your lemonade

It is so hot today

Above the beach the capricious kites entertained the passers by

Chines Dragons

Exotic Birds

Captain Pugwash

They all bathed in the cross-winds of the day

In a nearby café three children

Are eating creams puffs

They have been instructed to stay in the shade

To avoid spoiling their cakes in the bright beach sun

Two men and their pretty wives

Are walking towards the sea

They are playing

Ten Green Chameleons

With their children

Only they know the rules

Two young lovers

Are sitting on a memorial bench

I am happy that we are here

The hotel is most comfortable

Thank you for the ring

John Jenkins (1925-2013) used to enjoy the view with his wife Florence

She is dying in an Ashford hospital

Thinking of her late husband’s bench

John Jenkins (1925-2013) enjoyed this view

Remembered with love by Florence and the children

John Jenkins hated this view as he could see France on clear days and only thought of his fallen comrades

War is Hell he would mutter to himself

But he told no-one of his bitter tears and was gently remembered by a plain wooden bench

Facing France

In Heaven he smiles at the irony

Florence will join him soon

Their children have already ordered her memorial bench

It will be positioned near the pier

As there is no room left on the Walmer Path

Together in life and separated in death

In this small coastal town

Let’s walk to Walmer Castle today

The Duke of Wellington once lived there

I would rather visit the lifeboat station

We can do both

Where is the brass band?

Even brass bands deserve holidays

You will have to wait for an ice cream

Just look at those queues

One the beach a teenage girl watches as children play with many pebbles

They are supervised by their grandfather

Who creates marvellous games

Cow Stones

Favourite Stones

Let’s lay back and listen to the mermaids sing

Let’s draw faces with crayons on the larger pebbles and throw them in to the sea

He tells the children never to touch jellyfish

As some might sting

Although these are mainly found in warmer waters

It is good advice but quickly forgotten

The teenage girl

An only child

Would have liked to have had grandparents one and two

But she knew that her family was broken from an early age

And now she lives quite alone with her doubtful mother

She watches as the people pass

One might be her future husband

The boy on the bike looks nice

But he is too pretty

Probably vain

Another boy is too thin

He is ashamed of his body

And hides it behind tattoos

Maybe tomorrow

Maybe not on this beach

But she will find love

Near this timeless sea

Hidden in the grasses near the beach huts

Lies a brightly coloured DVD

It was purchased by an Italian who was walking with his family towards the town

The movie is called


Its loss will not be missed until it is too late

I will find another copy

They are so cheap these days

A child runs through the grasses 

Look mummy look what I have found

Put it back you do not know where it has been

The child throws the DVD against a white beach hut in a small temper

The case breaks open

And the shiny disc is scratched by a sharp pebble

It will no longer function and will be used as a frisbee

By children and others who do not care for Italian cinema

The General Election is over

Everybody has an opinion

Groups of men discuss the result

I do not know why we have the sea here at all

Better drain it and join Europe once and for all

Enoch Powell was right

There will be blood on the streets

It has already been spilt many times my friend

Have you noticed that as women get further involved in politics they get fatter?

Their bodies swell

Fat arses and huge hips are the order of the day

Name me one attractive female politician

There are none

Wives tired and tattooed pass cans of beer and scold the men


Not in front of Riley do you have to take his innocence away

Not in front of Taylor do you have to take his innocence away

Not in front of Tallulah do you have to take her innocence away


They’ll only repeat it at school and then where would we be?

Used to be able to say anything in this country

Shut up and drink your beer

Even the beers are foreign

Used to be local

Finest Kent

On the coastal path

There is a man and his attractive wife

She is as blond as he is dark

Both are tall

The man is holding the hand of a small girl in a red hat

She is laughing

The attractive woman is pushing a green pram

With a child shaded from the sun

Sleeping soundly within its majesty

She smiles as she speaks

I am already in love with her

The child in the red hat runs on to the grass

And is chased by the tall man


There is a simplicity to their games

The child throws her hat into the air

It catches a gust of wind

But does not travel far

Do not get her excited 

Promise her a milkshake on the pier

Do not wake the little one otherwise there will be hell to play

It is four o’clock once more

In a few hours the path will empty

And the kites will be hauled in for a rest

Seagulls and their friends will clear the detritus of the day

And only joggers and cyclists will inhabit the smooth evening

The tide will return with stories of daring

And the pier will close its gates

For a few hours so the fishermen might sleep

After dark the tall man will return to the beach

He will bury a plastic wallet deep in the sand

He does this on each visit to the town

For he does not live in Deal but far awa

The wallet contains a small medallion

That remembers Nevil Shute

It is an odd occupation

But he is left alone and never questioned

When his task is complete he looks out to sea

And searches for the streetlights of France

He wonders if by any chance

If there is man like himself

Standing on a quiet French beach

Looking out to sea

With a hint of despair in his liquid eyes




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