Characters from Blake and Other Thoughts

July 5th

Today finds the author on a field trip in deepest Wiltshire he and his colleagues are awaiting for their equipment which has yet to arrive

Whilst others pass the time writing letters to their loved ones or enjoying the comforts of a very hot day the author is reading through his book of English Romantic Verse

He is reading the poetry of William Blake and has decided to have a little fun at the great man’s expense


William Bond

Oh quiet you vile dissenters
Act the day and let it run its course

I wager that you thought I would rhyme the word course with horse

But I will not

I would rather use force instead of horse

You should have used the word horse Mary Green

But you are not a poet

Fine words are a mystery to you

Go back to your pots and  pans

Be quiet William Bond or I will love thee less

I will not feed or clothe you  

You will become shambolic

A sorry mess

Sister Jane you will care for me if Mary Green deceives

Oh William if thou does another love
Does another love better than poor Mary?

You are my sister we are twinned in blood and fibre

Only our gender separates us

You are a sick man William Bond

For thou art melancholy pale

Honour me and your sister

Or we will leave you here to die

And be aware that there will not be rows of angels

To transport your wretched soul

To the Lord most pure

I have the Angel of Providence at my feet
I have the Angel of Providence whispering into my best ear

I do not fear the vacant journey that you threaten

Be Quiet

Be Quiet both of you!

And Mary poor Mary fell on to the sick room floor

When Mary woke she found herself laid
On the right hand of her William dear
On the right hand of his sickly bed
His eyes were alarmed and full of dread

Now that you two have settled your score

I will take my leave of thee

But do not worry as I will return on the morrow

To bathe Will’s brow and nurse his sorrow

And you my sweet delicate Mary Green

Will need my time and steady hand

For we will pass through William’s darkened field

With nought but his sword and injured shield



Please accept my sincere apologises William Blake
And come here swiftly
My pen to take


Tyger Tyger

Tyger tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night
Tiger tyger burning dull
In the slackness of my skull



What are you doing Stuart?

Writing a poor man’s doggerel

Let me see your work

I think you should stay in the shade for a while longer my dearest friend

The heat and sun has certainly taken its toll of you

I will dispose of these wretched efforts

Please do

Drink lots of water and maybe close your eyes

My friend took my pad and my poetry book

I knew that he would not destroy them but would try to pass the work off as his own

I did not care as I was feeling weak

I felt as William Bond might have done

But I did not have Mary Green to care for me



Excursions end and excursions fall
The chills of winter reach us all


I had hidden one last rhyme and when I felt better I was going to bury it deep in the Wiltshire soil away from the prying eyes of everyone around me

But in the meantime I had hidden it in my sturdy boot



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