Martha Travis

She sat on the deck of the Esmeraldas playing chess with the cabin boy

But lost every game

He knew of her heart of glass

And read her every move

His name was Sante Geronimo Caserio


The week before we had been in Italy

Visiting the quarries at Carrara

As I was a sculptor

Seeking inspiration

Marble what marble?

She said as we toured the quarry

They are all anarchists like you

My dress has become soiled by the dusts of this hideous quarry

And my eyes are smarting in the afternoon breeze

The air is unclean  

Let us leave this wretched place


I did return to Carrara a week later

To watch the marble being quarried

During my time there I also met fellow anarchists

Who were plotting insurrection

I advised them that a bullet or a dagger

In the right place

Could change everything

Power is confined

To a few men

And if these men are assassinated

Then the mould is broken


Whilst I was away Martha visited the Duomo di Carrara

She had stolen one of my working tools

And had attacked the façade of the cathedral

She had been arrested

But did not release my name

I found her in jail and paid her fines

But we were still banished from the country of my birth


Sail this ship into Tilbury

The queen awaits us there

We shall kidnap her and hold her country to ransom

But I will not complete this task

As my heart is made of glass

And shatters easily


Martha was speaking to the cabin boy in hushed tones

In her velvet purse

She had hidden the toe of one of the saints

It had been stolen from a church in Rome

The cabin boy looked at the withered toe

And threw it into the sea


Seqa Seqa

Cried a seabird as it passed overhead


The cry of the seabird had been a warning

For within hours we had run into a violent storm

Our ship died on the rocks of an isolated island

And only Martha and the cabin boy survived

I clung to a piece of wreckage

For four years and forty days

Before I was rescued by a passing ship

I found my way to Bristol

And told my story to a stranger in an inn

He did not believe me

But wrote a book

Detailing my adventures

I believe it sold well

But it did not make my fortune


No trace was ever found of the island where the Esmeraldas sank

But it is there as I saw it with my own eyes

I know that Martha and the cabin boy survived

As once a year I received a letter from them

Posted in a bottle

They are plotting revolution on the pristine beaches of their pink paradise

I inform the authorities

But they think me mad

Soiled by my ordeal

Which suits me

They leave me alone to sculpt the soft marble

From the quarries of Carrara

I sculpt the likenesses of dead anarchists

Which I sell in Bristol Town

Nobody suspects me

I am almost invisible

At the moment I am just a sleeping snake

But Martha and the cabin boy

Will awaken this serpent

And I will change history



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