Dreams of an Alternative Reality

Dreams of an Alternative Reality

I was in my bedroom when my long dead cat Topaz came up to me

You have been away for such a long time

I said quietly my voice nervous with disguise

Topaz gave me a loving look as I stroked her and then left my room forever

I waited a short while and then looked at the underground station opposite my house

There were two silver and red trains waiting silently at the platforms

For the distant pink signals

To change to a turquoise blue


The Ealing House

During her final illness I spent a lot of time with my cat

I often read Robinson Crusoe to her and we imagined the adventures we would have had trapped on the desert island thousands of miles from civilisation

When she died I buried Topaz in the garden of our Ealing House

But now her loving bones are likely to be disturbed as the Ealing House is no more and the whole area is being redeveloped

I am currently sitting on Scotch Common opposite where my house used to stand

Waiting for my beloved cat to return to me



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