Under the White Cliffs

The Old Rifle Range

Under the towering white cliffs near the coastal village of Kingsdown in Kent one can find a derelict rifle range once used by my marines

The years of disuse have taken their toll and the whole area is in a state of advanced decay

I initially visited the rifle range in search of spent bullet cases but found only pebbles and many coastal flowers

There were a number of rusty rails and large amounts of redundant concrete and wood


I love you

You once meant the whole world to me

And then you left to fight in a war that nobody believed in


A long sea wall which has been partially breached dominates the area

It has been much decorated by chalked graffiti


Iris Green cried here one night
After she and Pete had a big fight
But she is happy and well again
And has driven the lad quite insane


My mate drowned whilst fishing one day
they did not find him until the middle of May


The Sea

What a terrible mistress
you are you are
what a terrible mistress you are

W.J Guard Man 1959


Although nothing immediately tragic has happened in the area there is a sense of unease

This can be felt even on the sunniest of days

The white cliffs that dominate the skyline add to the strange atmosphere and this in turn touches the mood of desolation


I love you

You once meant the whole world to me

And then you left to fight in a war that nobody believed in

I will wait for you on this broken wall

Pretending to fish

Erect a gin advertisement on the high cliffs behind me

And then I will arrange your homecoming




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