Somerset Science Fiction

I am in a corrugated iron shed at the Blue Anchor Railway Station in Somerset

Viola Gresham is hiding with me

She has a serious time disease

Which can only the sea can cure

I can see the sea from the shed

But we cannot swim in the sea

During daylight hours

As Viola has breached the time parameters

We hope to swim in the sea after dark


But the days are long and Viola is getting weaker by the hour


The situation is critical


Another complication is that Viola’s brother is searching for her




Can you travel back fifty-five years?

Maybe but I am very weak

If you do you will find an eight year old boy

Waiting on the sea platform

At this railway station

He will be able to help you

And you will be out of your brothers reach

You are aware Victor

That if I fail in my time journey

That you will never see me again

That is a chance we will have to take

We will have to do this soon

As I do not think you will last the day


Viola began to fade in stages and within five minutes she was gone

I closed my eyes and thought of my Blue Anchor holiday in the August of 1962




I became worried as I scanned the platforms of the Blue Anchor Railway Station

I could not find any trace of Viola

Perhaps my idea had been redundant and she had died in time transit


What are you doing Victor?

My father was standing next to me

Watching the trains Dad that’s all

Well do not get in the way and keep away from the edge of the platform

And remember tea is at five

Do not be late

I did not answer but waved at my father as he strolled along the platform

He did not wave back


As I was looking in the long grasses

I noticed a severed arm

Hidden in the undergrowth

I knew it was Viola’s

As I recognised her time ring


I picked it up and hid it under my cotton shirt

The stationmaster was watching me


What are you doing son?

I looked at the kindly man

My sister has a terminal time disease and I asked her to travel to this year

It was the last family holiday we had before my father died

But she has broken up during transit

I thought she was too weak to travel

You did you best

That is all you can do

I began to cry and the severed arm fell from my grasp

Do not cry I also had a sister during my early years at the station and she also became infected whilst time travelling

 It was a sad time for my family but time heals young man time heals

Now pick up your sisters arm and throw it in the sea if it gives you hope

I did exactly the same when Julie broke down

But nothing happened

The fish feasted on her remains

That was my only memory


The old man ruffled my hair and gave me half a crown

Do not be sad I hope this will improve your day

Thank you Sir I am sure it will


I waited a few minutes and crossed the road behind the signal box

When I was out of view I threw Viola’s arm into the sea

I waited a while but nothing happened

The arm floated away from the shore

And then sank beneath the surface of the dull sea


I let the rest of the day pass without further incident

And returned to the camping coach for tea

As I was a little tired

I went to bed early

Hoping to dream about Viola




When I awoke next morning I was again the corrugated shed

But Viola was not with me

Either alive or dead


I waited for a while and when I thought it was clear I crept out of the shed


A young man in a Silver Suit was standing in the shadow of the main station building

Where is she?



I do not know a Viola

Do not lie

She is out of your reach

She is out of everybody’s reach

Most likely but you have committed a time crime and there is only one punishment for that as you are well aware

As if I care

You do care Victor

But as I am her older brother and to some I am a generous man

I will give you chance to escape

And then I will hunt you as I hunted Viola

What do I have to do?

Nothing I will give you an hour and then I will hunt you through all mirrors of time

If you become sick as Viola did then I will be the doctor who smothers you

I asked you before what do I have to do

The young man smiled and watched as the first train of the day entered the station  

Just start walking but be careful of that train

I would not like to see you dead at this early hour

But before you go I believe that you owe me half a crown

I consider that you have been in my debt for too many years


To Be Continued



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