Blue Anchor

In the August of 1974 I went to Corfu with Viola

We were invited by a couple of friends

The invite was so sudden that we hardly packed anything at all

Only the essentials were taken to Corfu

We did not think to take a camera

And because of this only one photograph was taken of us during that holiday

It was taken by Mike a waiter at the beach bar

I think he fancied Viola

The photograph showed Viola standing in the sea next to me

I was wearing a pair of scruffy football shorts and Viola was wearing a light blue bikini that she had purchased in Corfu

The strange thing was that this sole photograph clearly showed our scars

Which were identical

I was given a copy of the photograph by Mike

(I suspect he kept a copy for himself)

Since 1974 I had kept this photograph in my wallet

Occasionally I looked at my sister

Although attractive she was not conventionally beautiful

She thought herself too angular

Her features were too severe

But if my father was to be believed

This was my creation of her

She might have rivalled Cleopatra for all I know

But in that photograph she was a tall rather gawky girl staring nervously at the camera

Little did I know then that she was also Beryl Quail my pseudo mother


I had broken into the corrugated iron shed at Blue Anchor Railway Station before dawn

For some reason it was now locked

I sat where I had sat before

But Viola did not appear

I had not expected her to arrive


During my train journey

My train had stopped at a number of small stations

I had slept and had hardly been aware of these infrequent stops

But I remember one clearly

I could not name the station

But I saw a girl on a wooden seat

I had never seen her before

She was looking at me

Just as my train was about to go she took a photograph from her cardigan pocket

It was the photograph of Viola and me

She smiled briefly and then set it alight with her lighter

I thought I had dreamt this but when I looked into my wallet the photograph was gone


I will mow the lawn

And I will cut the overhanging branches

That is if you can find me some shears

If not I will use your nail scissors


I smiled to myself


Do leave this work Viola as it is so arduous

I was brought up in the country

Hard work does not faze me


I knew that Viola was returning

But how and when she would return

Was impossible to predict


They have broken into the shed again George

Have they taken anything?

Not that I can see

It was probably just kids from the campsite


I think we should inform the police

I agree

Shall I purchase a new lock?

I have a stronger one in the station building  


I was sitting on the station and both of the railway staff passed me without comment


I will ring PC Steps after the afternoon train

But for the time being I will lock the shed


About ten minutes later George locked the shed with a much stronger lock

I knew that if I was to enter the shed again

That I would draw attention to myself

I wandered down to the beach pretending to be a tourist enjoying the day


Blur Anchor had not changed much since my childhood

Possibly it was a little busier

But the families were the same

The habits of the visitors were identica lto those that had visited Blue Anchor in 1962


From my vantage I could see the small corrugated iron shed

Such an ordinary shed

But it was a time point like no other


She is my sister you know


I had watched the small shed for about an hour

When I saw a brilliant flash of light

I was expecting it to be pink

But this was green


Green is the colour of disease


Something was in the shed

I did not know what to expect


I waited for the next steam train to pass


She is my sister you know


The shed was silent


Then go to the shed

I will not be able to break into it before dark as the lock has been replaced

You are taking a chance Victor

No I am not

You are stranded here with me whether you like it or not

We have come this far

What are another few hours?


I then thought of the girl who burnt my photograph at the railway station

I did not know who she was

Or the name of the railway station


I spent the next few hours on the beach


Do you have a cigarette?

Sorry I do not smoke

(I travel time but I do not smoke)

That’s a pity I am dying for a cigarette

A small fat girl was standing opposite me

She was wearing a summer dress

Which did not suit her at all

Are you on holiday at Blue Anchor?

(No I am waiting for my sister we travel in time)

I am on my way to Minehead to work in a hotel

The small fat girl looked at the sea

I wish I had the confidence to swim in the sea

Can you not swim?

I can swim but as you can see I am quite large and I feel like a beached whale

Look at my fat

The girl lifted one of her flabby arms in the air

She had also neglected to shave her armpits and exposed knots of sweaty hair

Beauty is in the eye ——–

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

How many times have I heard that before?

But it was sweet of you to say it

I will swim with you

(As long as I can see the small corrugated shed)


I opened my eyes as I had fallen asleep in the warm sun

I looked for the small fat girl

But she was not there


For a moment I was oblivious to the shed

I had seen the small fat girl before

But where?


In August the days are shortening towards autumn

But darkness still does not occur until about nine in the evening

I was going to need complete cover of darkness

If I was going to break into the shed

I thought about how I would force the lock

The previous one had been easy and had most probably dated from Great Western days

I knew the new one was going to be a challenge and to add to my troubles I did not have any tools to break it

In a way this calmed me as I did not know what I would find in the shed

If Viola had returned at all

What state would she be in?

I wondered if I could stand the shock if she had been time scattered

And there was also my brother to contend with

Everywhere I went he followed

That was a basic law of time


As the day grew older the beach emptied and apart from a few dog walkers it was mostly quiet

I looked at the shed again

The a faint green glow could be seen seeping from under the ill fitted door

This filled me with fear


Green is the colour of disease


The last train of the day called at the station and made its way to Minehead

Shortly afterwards the station staff began to close the station for the night

I was sure that they were going to spot the green glow

But they seemed to be in a hurry


I waited to it was quite dark and then made my way to the shed

As I thought the lock was a sturdy new one


Is that you Victor?


Don’t worry I will release you

You might not like what you see

Are you disembodied?


It does not matter if you are grains of time dust

I am not dust


I would stay in there Viola

I am coming for you


Father told me everything

About mother

About you

About us


Our father was crushed by a time warp

He saved me so that I might save you

But what of our brother?

I am your brother

You might hurt me

That is a possibility

But it is a chance we will have to take

He might destroy us both


Suddenly there was a movement near the railway line

My heart jumped

I expected it to be a policeman

But to my surprise it was the small fat girl

She handed me a crowbar


Perhaps this may be of use


It is not what it seems

But I must break into this shed

(She might be diseased so please go away)


It was then that I placed the girl

She had been the person responsible for burning my photograph


Why did you destroy my photograph?

I had my reasons


After a struggle I was finally was able to break the lock

But I did not open the door


Go ahead open the door


Please would you leave

You will not understand what I am doing

I understand perfectly


I glanced at the girl who was standing in the shadow of the small shed

(The moon was young but very bright)


It has been a long time Victor

Too long

You have been on a long journey



I could hear Viola’s voice

But I could not see her


I have trapped you at last Viola

It is only a matter of time

You have been weakened

And you know that to be true

That is why I need your strength

My strength vanished years ago


Without warning a vivid pink light illuminated the interior of the corrugated iron shed and for the first time in time I saw Viola

That lovely girl who you were so nice to committed suicide in her room this evening

She wanted to love life

But it hated her

Perhaps you were responsible

People were not always nice to her


She burnt our photograph on my journey down

It was a smokescreen


I had already identified her as a possible host

She had tried to kill herself before

It was only a matter of time

But she was strong and that is what I needed above everything else


You will try to kill me


I looked at Viola


As soon as Daddy was crushed I was able to release myself

I have been here for quite a while

Were you on the beach earlier?


You asked me for a cigarette

I did

Why did you not tell me who you were at the time?

Would you have believed me?

After all that has happened yes

You know the laws of time as well as I do

I had to meet you here


You are sapping my strength

I can feel it leaving me

Then you will have to commit an act of complete love 


I picked up a blunt chisel and handed it to Viola


Hold this weapon over my beating heart and with all your strength push it in

I cannot do that Victor

If you do not our brother will chase you through time

He may be weak but I cannot control him as you can see

Thrust the chisel into my heart

It will kill one of us

If it kills me then make haste dear Viola as I will not be able to help you further

But if it kills your brother then the task is complete

Go to the hotel in Minehead and reverse time by a matter of hours

And then catch the first train to Blue Anchor

If you have been successful then I will be waiting for you on the station platform

If our brother has won then do not alight from the train as I will not be there


The pink light was fading

As Viola leaned forward with the chisel I could see tears in her sea blue eyes

I have always thought you were so beautiful Viola

Thrust the dagger into my heart dear girl

Let this charade end

Shakespeare you have always loved Shakespeare Victor


I felt the chisel enter my heart and then a warm blackness overwhelmed me

I felt like I was drowning

(I have drowned many times)





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