Father Assistance and Louis

Father Assistance and his friend Louis were sitting in a park not far from the cathedral

The imposing building dominated the city and could clearly be seen over the nearby trees

It is good to see you again Father

Your joy is small compared with mine my friend

Are you in the city for long?

Two days alas

Two short days

You know that when I visit the city I always choose this area of the park to tell you a story from my past

Why do we sit near the gates?

Because I like the aspect I find the view from here most enjoyable

It is indeed agreeable

My story on this day concerns a visit to a convent that Coral and I enjoyed some years ago

I look forward to hearing it

Well the odd thing was that we were not meant to visit this convent at all but a forest fire in the south of the country had delayed our journey and we were invited to spend the night at a convent high in the hills

We were fed and watered with great care and I could not but the notice the extreme gentleness of the place

Everybody was happy

It was when Coral and I were shown to our quarters that the first odd thing happened

What was that?

Well I say odd but it was perfectly natural but I found it a little odd

What was so odd?

We were sharing our quarters with an aged nun who was asleep in the bed facing ours

It was explained that the aged nun needed to have constant attendance and we were asked if we considered the nun to be in distress to ring a bell

If I remember we had been asleep for a short time when the aged nun started moaning so I got up and stroked her brow which was a little cool

What I had forgotten was that I was naked as Coral and I always sleep naked

We cannot bear to be restricted and I know that the Lord has better things to occupy his time than worrying whether I wear anything in bed or not

Man introduced modesty not God

Well this was of no consequence as the aged nun was hardly aware of my presence and soon went back to sleep

All was quiet until about four in the morning when I became aware of somebody else in the room

I opened my eyes and saw a young nun who was possibly within her postulancy undressing the older nun

She seemed a little unsure of her actions and asked if I would help her remove the older nuns clothing

I explained that both my wife and I were naked in our bed but she persisted in her request so I helped her without question

All this movement had woken Coral and on seeing my nakedness she rose from her bed and offered her help

What a strange scene we must have set

I asked the young nun why she was undressing the aged nun and she explained that even though we lived in a country which enjoyed heat during the summer the nun lost body heat during the night and she would undress the nun and join her in her bed to keep her warm

It was an obvious answer but what did surprise me was as soon as the younger nun had completed her task she removed her gown and nightdress and stood quite naked in front of us

Coral who was always the practical one suggested that it would be of convenience to the older nun if not one but two naked bodies warmed the woman in her bed

So they both climbed into bed with the older nun and I returned to my bed alone

I could not sleep and became thirsty so I went to the sink to fetch a cup of water

In her sleep the younger nun had stripped back the bed covers and her naked bottom faced me

What I noticed almost immediately was that the nun who had a luxurious growth of raven black pubic hair also had a considerable amount exposed between the cheeks of her backside  

It was then I knew I was being tested as my penis began to harden and soon I was fully erect

I tried to pour cold water over it but to no avail

And then I did a strange thing

What was that?

I removed the bed covers in their entirety and enjoyed the nakedness of all three women

What happened next?

I stood there and masturbated into the sink although I stuffed a rag into my mouth to hinder any sounds that I thought I would make

Did you feel guilty that you had been tested possibly by the Devil?

The strange thing was that I did not feel guilty at all

I just covered the women and returned to my bed

And then?

I fell asleep thinking not about guilt but of the gift that God had given me

Before our journey I had not been aware of the convent in the hills and whilst there I had witnessed the nudity of two beautiful women and their compassion towards the older nun

Only man would have found this theatre strange but not God

I like to think that I am a compassionate man but I think that I learned a great deal more that morning

God moves in mysterious ways


Have you ever returned to the convent in the hills?

No I have had no occasion to return there

If the Lord requests my presence there I will happily go

Father Assistance looked up at the clock that was positioned above the main gate

Oh it is three o’clock already I will have to take my leave of you but you are more than welcome to call by this evening

Coral will so glad to see you

I have one last question which is troubling me a little

Let it trouble you no longer

Did you tell Coral of the event?

Yes straight away and she was so happy for me that she shed light tears

The convent in the hills now has a special place in her heart as it does mine  



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