Living in Kingsdown

My sister and I love in Kingsdown
We have lived in a beachside cottage for six years
Since our parents died by their own hand
My sisters name is Laura Smet and she is half Portugese
Laura has an olive skin and raven hair which is typical of her history
She was born in Lagos two years before I was born
We are very close and spend a lot of time together
And although we have seperate rooms in our small cottage
We often spend nights together in each others arms
I am told that this is illegal but the law is for others
In our garden we keep a pet crab which is an expert on French cinema
Recently it told us that my sister shares her name with a French actress
The daughter of Johnny Hallyday and Nathalie Baye
Johnny sadly died in 2017 but we did not mourn his passing
As we were not aware of the connection at the time
From our bedroom window we can see the high white cliffs
Which overlook the disused military firing range
I often look at them when I am sleeping on Laura’s fine breasts
At present I am writing a history of disused firing ranges in Kent
My sister is translating my book into Spanish and Portugese
I hope it will sells well as I would like to replace our bird table
As the original is haunted and is not used by the local birds
A seagull was murdered by a feral cat as it took supper one evening
And its spirit haunts the bird table which I had constructed the previous year
Out of driftwood and other debris after a winter storm
On each warm day we go to the beach which is only yards away
We often swim when the conditions are fair as the sea can be dangerous
The weather forecast for the remainder of the month is good
And a great deal of warm and settled weather is expected
Especially in the south eastern counties of our small island
Both Laura and I gather some amusement
Because we actually reside on two islands here in Kingsdown
It may seem strange but the fact is quite simple to understand

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