The Hounds of Hell

On the 5th of October 1921 in Tucson Arizona a small businessman by the name of Jim McGoldrick was found torn to death as if he had been attacked by a wild animal
His son who was so traumatised by the attack was struck dumb and his only written words were that the dog was on fire which he repeated time and time again until he was committed to an asylum the following year
Due to the seriousness of the attack the whole incident was hushed up with the newspapers only reporting that a man had been savaged by his dog and died shortly afterwards
The detectives investigating the case were sworn to secrecy and soon after it was passed to Department 12 in Los Angeles
And there it remained gathering dust until 1946 when a researcher named Du Pont noticed the similarities between the 1921 attack and one that took place at a farm just a few miles from Carlisle in England in 1884
However unlike the Tucson incident there were three fatalities
Saul Chambers and his wife Mary and a farmhand named Martin were found torn to pieces on their farm on the 21st of October 1884.
At the time the deaths were blamed on a pack of wolves which was strange as these creatures had been extinct in the part of England since the early years of the sixteenth century
Also there were unexplained scorch marks found on some the farm buildings
As with the Tucson incident the whole thing was hushed up for fear of causing panic in the locality
The only reason that Du Pont was able to read an account of the dreadful events was that a local vicar recorded the events in his diary which was given to the British Museum after his death
Even though a number of years had passed since the attack in Tucson the authorities thought it important enough to commence a larger more thorough investigation into the perceived phenomena which they thought might have extra terrestrial origins
Du Pont was assisted by Dr Josephine Decker and the wheelchair bound Anthony Keith and for the next three years this small Los Angeles team made some startling discoveries.
It did not take them long to find out that the 1921 Tucson incident was not the only recorded in American and Canada
In 1870 a rancher named Smith and his unnamed son were recorded as having been killed in what was perceived to have been a bear attack on their farm in North Dakota and in the years between 1800 and 1860 there were over twenty such incidents some as far south as Florida
The main problem that the team ran into was that the accounts of the fatalities differed greatly although most accounts did note that the victims had been torn to pieces and there were strange scorch marks in the area.
These finds suggested to both Decker and Keith that UFOs might have been involved but Du Pont was more sceptical and for a six month period in late 1947 the team split so that they might continue their own independent investigations
One of the main obstacles that both sides of the team faced was that no actual likenesses of the creature (or creatures) could be found
That was until Du Pont came across an account of a bloody attack in Northern France in 1703 in which there were rather crude drawings of the incident preserved
These had been executed by a soldier who witnessed the incident and recorded what he could
This was the first time that a likeness of the creature had been captured
 And so began the legend of Le chien de l’enfer which gripped the towns and cities in Northern France for a number of years after the attack
However the creature did not return and the attack drifted slowly into superstition and folk tales
What Du Pont did note from the drawings that although the man was terrified and was in fear of his life was that he had left an important record of the creature.
Although the perspective was poor Du Pont was able to see that the creature resembled a large dog with an oversized head with flames coming out of its mouth as well as cracks in its body
It was almost like the creature was being consumed by fire whose origins were internal
Du Pont was aware of the reports of scorch marks in a number of the incidents and no matter how fantastic it seemed he appeared to be following a trail
During the Fall of 1948 Decker was contacted by a student named Raul Martinez who was studying at the University of Madrid
It appears that Martinez had been studying the final voyage of the ship Esmeralda in 1564 and had found a terrifying account of the ships last hours which had been illustrated by a geologist who had travelled on board the doomed ship
Martinez had been in correspondence with Decker without realising what research she was involved in although both had more than a passing interest in UFOs
Due to the sensitivity of the subject Du Pont and Decker decided to visit Martinez in Madrid faking a romantic attachment as not to arouse suspicion from either the Spanish or American authorities
They stayed with Martinez for a couple of days during which time he was able to secretly removed the book that was written about the ships final voyage and its destruction by fire off of the coast of Brazil
This was the final part of the story that Du Pont was seeking as the unnamed geologist had left a detailed account of the destruction of the Esmeralda on the 15th of May 1564
But more importantly the geologist (who was a fine artist) also was able to record the dreadful creature from the safety of the shore and because of this he was the only survivor
It appears that he and a couple of sailors had been put ashore that morning to collect soil samples from the base of the cliffs when at about noon three wolf like creatures appeared from the clear sky with smoke funnelling in their wake (it is likely that the creatures had jumped from the top of the cliff)
I say creatures as unlike the other recorded attacks there were three in total and they descended on the wooden ship without mercy
The actual illustrations resembled the soldiers crude drawings a great deal and showed clearly that the creatures were engulfed in flames at that the origins were internal
Some of the drawings showed sailors being consumed by fire as they were swallowed whole
Du Pont asked if the sailors that accompanied the geologist had left a record but was told by Martinez that if they has they had either been lost or destroyed in the years since
Martinez also noted that the geologist had been found half mad by another ship some six weeks after the attack
There was no mention about the sailors
This was the final piece of the jigsaw and the team felt that they were in a position to prepare a paper with their findings and in 1949 this was secretly published
However its contents alarmed the authorities so much that the team was disbanded almost immediately and the report supressed
It was either destroyed or held in a top secret location away from prying eyes
But what was not known was that both Decker and Du Pont retained copies and on a later visit to Madrid a copy was given to Raul Martinez.
This is the copy I have worked from
Raul Martinez is still alive and we have known each other since the 1970s and he went to great lengths to help me with my book
Josephine Decker and Du Pont were initially very unhappy with the closure of the department but were promised and given very senior research positions in two well known universities
Sadly Keith who had also been promised a similar position died from Polio the following year
I have always wondered why the project was closed so quickly on the publication of the report and suspect that the authorities did not want to know about mythical creatures breathing fire
In those days it was all about the Russian menace and UFOs and really I think that from Truman downwards they did not know how to deal with it
My belief is that they reasoned that if such an attack took place in the USA again (and one must remember that there were extensive time frames) then they would react at the time (quite how I do not know)
Du Pont died in 2010 and I know that he would have been very interested in the mysterious fire that consumed a house in California in 2017 which showed all the hallmarks of an attack of the Hounds of Hell
The three victims although badly burnt had been torn to pieces during the attack
This was very quickly hushed up and I know that Josephine Decker (who is now retired) was reminded of her responsibilities and I too have been investigated but as I am a Canadian citizen I am not so impacted by American laws and really the worst that can happen to me is deportation
Nevertheless my book Great American Mysteries was printed and published in Spain just to be safe

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