The Raven and the Writing Desk

Why is a raven like a writing desk 
Asked the Mad Hatter of Alice
I do not know the answer to your question 
Answered Alice looking distinctly puzzled
The Mad Hatter touched his pointed chin and smiled
You are in good company Alice as I do not know the answer either
In a tree not far away a large black raven was pondering the question raised
After a short while the handsome creature also drew a blank
Next to the raven tree stood another tree on which a writing desk was delicately balanced
It too was contemplating the Mad Hatter’s question but before it could answer
The writing desk fell from the tree and shattered into four hundred and ninety six separate pieces
Alice was startled by the incident and fell into a bed of pretty primroses
The Mad Hatters hat blew off and landed on the chimney of a passing train
Yet nothing happened to the brisk black raven apart from his discovery of the answer to the rolling riddle
Which for some reason as yet unexplained he kept to himself until Alice reached twenty eight

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