The Whore of Babylon

I live with my sister

In a cottage facing the sea

We have lived there together
For a number of years
In total harmony
My sister has small breasts
And a generous cunt
Her girlfriend told me this
When I fucked her last week
Her girlfriend is the daughter
Of the local vicar
Who does not like me fucking his daughter
And has told me to change my ways
Which I did by fucking his sister as well
My sister is not openly gay
And was engaged to an academic
For a number of years
Her boyfriend was heavily into surfing
And  they often took Cornish holidays together
Leaving me quite alone
It was then that I became a whore
And fucked every woman
Who would have me
The only woman that I would not fuck
Was my sister as I was told that
A fish with seven heads would find me
And pull me under the waves
Should I follow my desires
My sister’s boyfriend
Killed himself
By surfing off of a block of flats
After discovering that my sister
Had been unfaithful
And had surfed with someone else
That was when she returned to Rose Cottage
To live and look after me as I was quite exhausted
She soon became friendly with the vicar’s daughter
And quite often they made me sleep in the spare room
Whilst they fucked noisily in my golden bed
It was after one of these sessions
That I made a discovery that changed my life
I had walked into my room
And found them still in bed together
Tight in each others arms
My sister’s back was facing me
This was the first time that I had seen her naked
As I had not wanted to be tempted
Because she was quite beautiful
Both in looks and manner
On her naked back there was a tattoo
Of the Whore of Babylon
I looked at the tattoo with a great intent
And noted a message from God
And there came of of the seven angels which had seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come hither I shew unto thee the judgement of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters 

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