Les Sœurs Terribles

On the 2nd of February 1933 Lea and Christine Papin murdered the wife and daughter of their employer at their house in Le Mans France
On the 2nd of February 1924 our housemaid Saoirse shot my mother and father to death after they had dismissed her for smoking in her room
I listened to the violence from my bed as I was seriously ill with pneumonia
The housemaid came straight to my room and confessed to her crimes and although I was delirious I found enough strength to forgive her
Later that day my doctor came to attend me and discovered the bodies of my parents
Saoirse was arrested immediately and confessed to her crimes
I was taken to hospital as my condition had worsened
When I recovered I too was questioned but I did not recall any details of the housemaid or my fixation on her misshapen feet
At her trial she was declared to be sane and was subsequently sentenced to death
However on appeal this was commuted to life imprisonment
When I recovered I discovered that I had inherited my parents full estate and soon employed a Creole housekeeper with a club foot
Through a third party I kept in touch with my murderous friend and she told me that Christine Papin had recently died
In 1941 Lea Papin was released from prison and both Saoirse and I tried to correspond with her
She was living in Nantes with her mother who returned all my letters
The following year disguised as a Jesuit priest I visited Saoirse in prison and discovered her well
Being a priest I was trusted and we were left alone in the visiting room without supervision
As soon as the door closed she removed her sock and ran her misshapen foot along my shin
I told her of my Creole housekeeper with the club foot and she said that this made her so happy
Later that year and again through a third party I petitioned for her release but before this happened her prison was bombed
Over twenty people died and in the confusion Saoirse escaped and after lying low for a considerable time she contacted me
I immediately employed her although I changed her identity and appearance
She was now called Lizzie and my deception was not picked up by the authorities
I later learned that she was supposed to have died in the fire that followed the bombing
Six of the victims were burnt beyond recognition and buried in a mass grave and she was listed as one of the unidentified
Our Creole housekeeper returned to her homeland in 1948 and it was during this memorable year that Lea Papin started writing to me
She apologised for not answering my letters but said that they had been hidden from her
We invited her to England but she declined as she wished to forget her crimes
I soon disclosed that Saoirse was now living with me under a false identity
She congratulated us on our deception but noted that she did not share our fetish for misshapen feet
Our correspondence although infrequent continues to this day and of late we have begun to call ourselves Le Trio Infernal

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