Modernist Directory

I am walking down a street of bookshops but they do not detain me

My destination is the modernist bus station

Which is situated in the deepest valley in the town


It was constructed totally of reinforced concrete

And has been part of the urban landscape for over fifty years


I found the bus station to be quite busy

But most of the pink and mauve buses were half empty


From my vantage at stage six I can see the cone like shape of the building

The upper levels are lit brightly by fluorescent lights

And rise to seven floors although the seventh is quite hidden


I find myself in the retain area which is situated underground

There are a number of art shops facing me

And I can see my reflection clearly in all their windows


To my surprise I see that am wearing a canary yellow vest and blue jeans

A woman comes out of the nearest shop and asks me if I am Paul Weller

I assure her that I am not although I am slightly puzzled by her question


As I leave the Modernist bus station by the sixth entrance

I put on my grey framed sunglasses

As the sun is quite bright and high in the sky


Within minutes I am approached by the woman’s stepsister

Who asks me if I am Zbigniew Cybulski


I remove my sunglasses and note that although I have a passing resemblance to the late actor

It is not my profession and I prefer to drive than take trains


She smiles and gives me a pomegranate and returns to her thankful shop

Which has a small door painted yellow

And although much weathered

I think that the colour of this door resembles my vest

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