The Cottages by the Railway

Quite often I take walks without money or means of identification
I visit the village of Avon Cliff which is about ten miles distant from my home
It is a strange village in many ways as there is a circle of cottages built next to the railway track
Quite why these cottages were built so close to the railway track is open to question
But it is thought that a station was planned but never finished
Some of the front doors on the river facing side are only yards from the track
But there has never been an accident here as the people who inhabit the cottages
Respect the railway greatly and are very careful at all times
There are more cottages opposite but these are built on a slope that partially obscures the river
Whenever I visit these cottages I always take tea with Miss Stevens
Who has lived at number six for twenty-eight years
And because of this recreation
I rarely find time to explore the river and the water meadows beyond