Only Beautiful Women Have Perfumed Memories

Lena was waiting for a train at a small Swiss railway station

She was reading a novel by Ayn Rand

The question not who is going to let me 

But its who is going to stop me 

This collection of seemingly random words

Were spinning in her head

In the distance she heard the siren of a police car

They could not have discovered his body so soon

She had chosen a hotel away from prying cameras

To assassinate a corrupt and perverted man

She had cut his throat as he took a bath

Lena looked at herself in the window opposite

Just an ordinary traveller with a tired back pack

Travelling between countries as hundreds do

The siren grew nearer and then faded

Her train drew in with a great deal of effort

And soon she was sitting in her seat

Watching the landscapes change

She thought of the hunting knife

That now lay at the bottom of the river

It had no history as she had no history

That was why she was so efficient

When she finally arrived in Berlin

Lena went to the Hotel Voltaire

She showered and settled in front of the television

Edwin Rohlm found murdered in his hotel room 

Famous MEP found murdered 

Naked MEP brutally murdered in his bath

The headlines screamed from the screen

But she the felt same as she always did

For who in their sanity would suspect

A beautiful woman with a perfumed memory