The Golden Book at the End of the Alphabet

Without sounding obvious the average Joe on the street lives under an invisible ceiling 

He or she is not aware of its existence as they cannot see or touch it.

But they can feel it 


Why do you say that Alice?


They can feel it because when lets say a mathematical problem becomes too great then they retreat 

If one takes the study of mathematical knots or the knot theory into question then you will lose a great number of people

I am not an expert but I know my way around as a cab driver knows all the side streets in London

That is because that as far as I am aware I do not have this ceiling

Perhaps this is an arrogance but I have a great understanding of many things


This is where I will halt this conversation my dear reader

Alice Lister lives in one of the more fashionable suburbs in London

You might see her as arrogant

But what would you think if I told you she is a  respected academic

Bluestocking in an Ivory Tower

Ugly and fat as fuck

Are just a couple of the less than flattering messages she has received recently

But in real life Alice is considered quite attractive

Rather like a young Catherine Deneuve

But with darker hair

And she is considerably taller

Than the French actress


In 2010 I was punched in the face by a guy who thought that I had insulted his grip on a subject

I noted whilst bathing my bleeding nose that the ceiling that I had mentioned was clearly evident because of his violent response.

My assailant did not reason at all and just lashed out just as an animal might do when cornered

His reaction was primal

Although he apologised almost immediately I asked it he took anything away from the unfortunate event that it should be that he does try to understand his ceiling a little more

Violence promotes violence and is in most cases a negative

Also why punch a small man who wears glasses

Was it my appearance or just my mouth that fucked him off


I am a poet and in the process of writing The Golden Book at the End of the Alphabet

I have not finished it

I am looking forward to meeting my poem

I am going to send a copy to Alice