Fuck Those Hamburg Trains

The Blue Waiter brought us two cups of amber and a cherry pie

I asked of the owner and he told me that he had died

Under the wheels of a train

Fuck those Hamburg Trains

He said to me

Fuck those Hamburg Trains



I asked of the Deaf Metre and his mistress Royal

Both gone I am sad to say

He looked at the clouds in the clear blue sky

I would like to think that they are in the clouds


Dancing from cloud to cloud


Dancing from cloud to


Dancing from Cloud


Dancing from




Dancing from cloud to cloud



From my vantage in the I.C.E tunnel

I could see the tide coming in

It was lit by a full moon

The Hamburg Express was due

And we were sitting between the rails

Drinking amber with the Blue Waiter

Awaiting the Hamburg Train

The express roared past us into the endless sea

And said quietly to Bea

It is my longing to be free  




So do not be afraid of me




As I travel towards the endless sea

