Independent Ships

About a third of the ships that pass this lighthouse are independently owned 

I admire their courage in these difficult times 

Why do you wear shaded glasses Marek

Because my eyes are weak

They were damaged as I hid in the city sewers during the war

I did not see daylight for weeks on end 

They must of known that you were hiding there

I agree but the searches were only sporadic and usually after outrages in the city

Where did you hide when the sewers were being searched 

In the house of a priest but it was very dangerous for him 

So when the fuss died down I returned to the sewers 

And somehow you survived the war 

Well I am here far from the stinking sewers of the city 

How you must enjoy the fresh sea air 

I savour every breath 

Tell me how long have you run this lighthouse 

Six years and I was the assistant to the lighthouse keeper for the previous six years 

So you have been here for twelve years 

I have been in the area for eighteen years really since the liberation 

Where did you work before coming here 

On the railways I was a porter at the railway station 

Why did you leave the railways 

A love affair 

A sad love love affair

You could say that

My heart was broken so I chose the sea 

Do you enjoy it 

It is my life 

I find this area wild and very bleak 

That is where its magic lies 

When I was hiding in the sewers I often thought of the sky

The big sky that you can find when you are near the sea 

It belongs to me even though for much of the day I look at it through shaded lenses

I like the frames grey is such an unusual colour they are almost chic

It was my only choice I would have favoured green but settled for grey

How many ships pass the lighthouse each day 

It varies but usually about ten or fifteen depending on the weather

How do you identify the independent ships

I am advised what is coming my way and after that I wait 

They are quite easy to identify as their colours differ from the other ships