I was young when I wrote my first book

The beach was extremely wide today as the tide was very low

And apart from a fisherman and a couple of dogwalkers it was deserted

This suited me as I like to be alone with my thoughts

In the distance a white yacht was heading towards the invisible horizon


I was young when I wrote my first book

But it was not as successful as I thought it might be

This disappointed the main characters

So I made it up to them by writing another book


Which met with more success but faded slowly

The good people of this town are still searching for my main characters

But they are long drowned although they still haunt me without rest

As I killed them off in a fit of pique when my second book failed


The fisherman who I believe is called Neil is looking at the sky

It is likely that we will chat about my interest in fishing

I often look at the sky and imagine dogfish by the thousand

Living serenely under the visible waves awaiting their capture