An Afternoon on the Beach

Today I spent an afternoon on the beach with Jane

Nothing happened yet a lot conspired to happen

I dropped a sharp pebble ino Jane’s beach bag

(As I collect pebbles and fossils)

And remarkably it punctured a can of cider which slowly leaked

For about twenty minutes during which time

I calculated the possibilities of repeating this feat

10000/1 or maybe 10000/1 or infinity + 7

Our daughter who is a special needs teacher joined us on the beach

And I shot three movies on my phone of the leaking can

I called my phone movies Play it as it Lays

After a book that my daughter was proposing to lend to me

At about four in the afternoon we left the beach

And walked for a while with our daughter

We parted by the necessary hedge

And took a short cut towards our house

It was then that Jane noticed a Spitfire flying overhead

I chose to make another phone movie in homage to the skies

At present it remains untitled but I think I will call it Joe