Middle Beginning End

The thing that fucks me off about modern novels dealing with the recent past is that in creating a storyline the writer lapses into retro

To me that is unforgivable as is the life progression of a novel

Beginning Middle End

I have the ability to write a novel but will not be imprisoned by the rules

Poetry gives you a freedom as it is writing in its purest form

That is why I write poetry

At present I am reading a novel written in the 1970s and the main character drives here and there and drinks Coca Cola at gas stations

Nothing is forced

Nothing is described just for the sole reason of creating the past

That is a cop out

If I was writing a novel about a failed actress in LA in the 1970s I would set it in the present day

It might start in the middle who knows

But it would not start and would not end

I would change the characters names at least 28 times and they would vanish or change gender frequently

Many years ago I did write a novel

Which consisted of 496 black pages

It did not have a title

As I did not want to insult my reader

As this was their story not mine

My stories do not have

A Beginning

A Middle

Or an End

In fact they do not exist at all