The Tender Housewives of America

You are sitting by the jetty in your stylish black bikini

How splendid you look with your golden hair blowing freely in the breeze

The haunting sounds of Negro Spirituals are being released from an old radio

That sits uncomfortably on the shiny deck of our well worn boat


A glossy magazine reveals 10 Tips for Looking Good

But you do not need any of these as you are quite fine they way you are

As I look over your smooth tanned shoulder I notice an alarming spelling error

Your magazine actually offers you 10 Tips for Looking God which amuses me greatly


I will remember the summer hours such as these and not the long cool winter days

It is light when we wake and light when we gently retire to our coastal beds

We never seem to experience the night nor should we as our days are bold and full

Yet I know that the passing clouds will slowly thicken and extinguish our shimmering joy