The Glittering Prizes

Please note that this poem has been censored as as SS Sisters do not wish to offend those less fortunate than ourselves


We were asked a question recently

A question


We get asked many questions

What was the question

How long had we been sisters


What was your answer

We told the journalist that apart from the twenty-eight minutes that separated us

That we had been together all our lives

What a stupid fucking question

A 1

B 2


D 4

E 5

F 6

G 7

H 8

I 9

J 10

K 11

L 12

M 13

N 14

O 15

P 16

Q 17

R 18

S 19

T 20

U 21

V 22

W 23

X 24

Y 25

Z 26

I now live in Israel and Sally lives in Berlin

She is married to a German guy

Who is a great fuck

A great fuck



Of course

Thank you Sandra I know this is hard for you


Sandra glances at the camera 

Her eyes are moist

When I broke up with Petra Green

Simon was kind to me

He bedded me every day for a week

Whilst Petra was working at the Cash n Carry

What did Sally think of the arrangement

She did not know

I will always be grateful to her

That was a low point in my life

Did you consider suicide


What stopped you

I could not choose my method of suicide

There is so much choice

My producer took an overdose

But he was found in time and taken to hospital

Which was a mistake as he jumped from a sixth floor window


Are you ok now


But we are so fucking famous

We are so fucking famous

That we are fucking famous

What is the name of your latest album

Fucking Famous

I see

I see that your song


Has topped the charts in many countries

Has it



Was the working title

Or so I am told

Was it always called 628496



Because my sister felt uncomfortable with the title

Did you compromise


What is the new title


I was told that my biggest failing was that I hated everyone

But the opposite is true

I hate ****** and ****** and I absolutely detest ******

But most of all I hate armadillos and other creatures

I reason is that if I loved everyone and everything that I would be heartbroken when they died

It is much easier to hate everything

As this negates mourning

You are not upset

You are in control of your emotions

It is a kind of love I suppose

I have never thought of it that way but yes

It is a form of love

HATE is a form of LOVE