Conversations with my Cat

I read with interest what Charles Darwin said of the Fuegian people Jeoffry

I am quite busy at the moment Christopher but I am sure that you will tell me

Darwin noted that without exception it was the most curious and interesting spectacle that I have ever beheld

I could have believed how wide was the difference between savage and civilised man

It is much greater than between a wild and a domesticated animal

In as much as in man there is a greater power of improvement

That is very interesting Christopher but what has it got to do with me

A great deal as I am going to set you some questions

You know how you like to test the agility of your considerable intellect


Question One – Darwin mentioned the power of improvement does this apply to all races or are some destined to remain as savages apart from maybe the adoption of a European language

Question Two – Are some races superior to others in their capacity to be educated or are there no differences at all

Question Three – Is Darwin’s comment about wild and domesticated animals true

Question Four – Is there such thing as a noble savage

Question Five – What is the difference (if any) between a child born in a civilised country and one born in a backward country

Question Six – If there are differences are these caused by the differing environments or does the actual intellectual capacity differ


Those are your questions Jeoffry

What do you think of them

They are okay

How okay

Well if you push me then they are more than okay

When would you like to start

At 06:28 tomorrow morning if that is okay with you

That is okay with me

What is my prize

What prize would you like

Fish the prison food is absolute shit

What type of fish


That might be troublesome as there are no fish of that description in the Thames


Same problem

Oh well anything will do as long as it is not fucking cod

I hate fucking cod

Every time I look in the mirror I note that I am beginning to look like a cod

There are no mirrors in this prison

That is a minor detail

Well now that is settled you will have at 06:28 tomorrow six days six hours and six minutes to furnish me with your answers

Sounds fair



Yes Jeoffry

Why do we say okay so much

I am not really sure I suppose it is the corruption of another Americanism in the English language


Yes Jeoffry

Have you any more Golden Wonder crisps left as all this fish talk has made me hungry

Cheese and Onion or Prawn

No Ready Salted

No I am clean out of the Ready Salted

Call this a civilised country

I agree