Two Restoration Poems

Emma-Lou Fitzgerald

Emma-Lou Fitzgerald knew John Wilmot who was the Second Earl of Rochester and he wrote a great deal of his early poetry on her bare back

He instructed her not to bathe for fear of loss but she disobeyed him and on a chilly March day bathed in the River Stour

John Wilmot never forgave Emma-Lou for her indiscretion and wrote his future works on her twelve sisters who were known not to bathe

Confession of Emma’s Seventh Sister

John Wilmot the Second Earl of Rochester once wrote a poem on my pretty backside

I have never read his poem as I am forbidden mirrors

But I am told that it reads as follows

We have a pretty witty king
And whose word no man relies on
He never said a foolish thing
And never did a wise one

John liked his poem so much that he instructed that it be tattooed on my posterior for posterity

He told me never to bare my bottom in front of the King which is becoming increasingly difficult as the King has asked me to become his mistress