Anna & Anna

It was a hot day and Anna and Anna were sitting on the town beach

They were both reading but found it hard to see the pages of their books

As the sun was white bright and deep away from the night

Anna tell me your favourite joke

I do really have one as mostly the denouement lets the joke down 

 You must have one 

Maybe it’s the joke that your brother told me 

That being 

Do you know that Princess Diana was on the radio when she died

That is typical of his humour 

Do you think it is funny 

Not really it is clever in its simplicity but I am not sure if I would call it funny

I have a much better joke which is about a girl whose boyfriend has left her

She is frantic with worry as it is out of character 

One evening just as it is getting dark she hears a knock at the door 

A Post-Punk girl a little younger than herself is standing in the porch 

Are you April Furst 

Yes I am

How may I help you 

Did you live with a boy called Phillip 


Do you know where he is 

Yes I do

Would you please tell me as I am frantic with worry 

I do not know how to break this to you 

Break what 

You boyfriend has hung himself he is in the attic 

The girl rushes up the stairs and comes down in a flood of tears

He is not there 

April Fool 

He is hanging in the cellar 

Anna looked at Anna and then at the lifeguard who was watching them

That is the sickest joke I have ever heard it is just not funny

I never said it was funny but it is my favourite joke 

The lifeguard then walked across and introduced himself

Hi I am Mark and I was wondering whether you girls would like to share a Coke 

Anna and Anna Forever

Oh I see but I would still like to share a Coke with you 

OK but on one condition 

That being 

What is your favourite joke 

The lifeguard pondered the question for a minute

He smiled as all lifeguards tended to do

What was Snow White’s favourite drink 

I do not know but I am sure that you will tell us 

Seven Up 

Anna and Anna looked at each other

It was not that funny was it 

I am not a comedian 

It was the best joke that I have ever heard 



Are the Cokes cold 


Then what are we waiting for

Come on Anna