Anna & Anna

My dad is a Marxist intellectual Anna


You do not seem that impressed

I am not


Because there is no such thing as a Marxist intellectual

I disagree Anna

Marxism has never been proved to work

My dad is an intellectual

I am not disputing that

But as an intellectual he must see through Marx’s ideas

They might work on the planet Zog but not here

In Ventnor

Nothing works in Ventnor

Do you know that Marx visited this town late in his life and walked in the area when he could


It is not much celebrated by the town the odd plaque here the odd plaque there

Unlike Tennyson at Freshwater

Spot on

I wonder what he must of thought as he would have realised how ill he was

Do you think that he thought he had failed

That is hard to say

In a perfect world it might have had a chance but this is not a perfect world

I prefer Tussy Marx

So do I

She destroyed herself because of a man

So many women do just think of Sylvia and the poetry she might have written

What a waste

What would you do if I met someone else

Meet someone else

Would it destroy you

No I would be incredibly sad but it would not destroy me


The same

Do you like the island


I used to come her as a child and on one visit Eleanor gave me a postcard

That was nice

It was of the concrete island at the bottom of the hill

I rather like it as it is so original

It has not changed

Well on this postcard there was a young girl of about five or six in the most beautiful dress

I adored that girl as if she was me

She resembled an angel

Did you ever meet her

Heavens no at a guess the photograph was taken in the early 1960s

But she was my beacon and this is why I love the island so much

Do you know where we are going

Not really I do not know Ventnor well

The railway station is now closed

That helps

It closed in the mid sixties due to problems with the tunnel but Dad told me so much about it I thought it would be nice to visit it


I know

Are we lost

I fear so

Nobody should get lost in Ventnor

Even Marx

It is so quiet

Sundays are always quiet in November



There are a couple of people by the bus shelter they might be local


Over there near the estate agents

They look like visitors

What makes you think that

It is just the way they are dressed

He is all scruffy chic and she is just beautiful I do not think that I have seen a woman as beautiful as her for a long time

Would you go across as you are more familiar with the island


Do you know the way

Yes it is straight up the road then up another hill

You look like you have seen a ghost

I think I have

In what way

It was the woman I felt that I had seen her before

You might have seen them around town

No it is deeper than that I feel that I have met her

In your dreams as she is so beautiful who knows I might be jealous

No I know her from somewhere

Did you find out anymore

Her husband called her Jane

Nothing else
