The Kingsdown Poems

I am sitting in front of The Zetland Arms listening to a Leonard Cohen song

Dance Me to the End of Love rolls gently across the beach and dies quietly in the gentle breeze

You are sitting on a memory bench looking out to sea

We exchange no words but I know that you are thinking of me

I have crossed the wide beach towards the white cliffs

In my hand I am carrying a camera

I turn frequently and record your likeness

As I get further away you become a shadow almost hidden by the drunken sea

You cannot see me

But you are always in my view

Two horses are being ridden in the shallow waves

As they break on to the sloping beach

They cause little disturbance

You are watching the horses but thinking of me

I am hidden from view

With a whiff of cruelty I have positioned myself directly behind you

Only a partition of light bushes separate us

I note your quiet distress but do not reveal myself

Until you turn

You mutter a light profanity and grab my hand

And lead me along the dusty sea path


Land Muse

On clay hoof the easy paced horses made their way through the muddy fields

July had surprised everybody by being wetter than expected

The warmer weather had lingered for a while in the southern counties

But was soon cloaked by the grey clouds that arrived on the west wind

Aurora the goddess of the dawn was loved by Tithonus

In return she gave him immortality

But not eternal youth

In time he grew old and withered

But he could not die

Aurora however was unable to take back the gift she had given him

When they were young lovers



August is the assassin’s month and as soon as the month arrived I began planning my next task

A year had passed since my last assassination and I knew that the authorities were expecting me

The large houses on the main street provided me with ample cover as I prepared my rifle

I am just a simple labourer ploughing these fields

You will eat because of my efforts today

My home is in these fields

I live nowhere else

Leave me to plough these fertile fields and you will not starve


The soldiers with the decorated skin then left me to complete my day


The Purple Sash  (Dream Stories Dover)

I was walking with the Queen and one of her dogs on the southern downs

After about an hour we passed a Spanish woman in a white cotton dress

She had a deep purple sash hanging from one of her slender shoulders

Our visit seemed to surprise her and she wept for a while

The Queen took pity on the poor woman and comforted her

In return the woman gave me the purple sash to commemorate the day


Nine Wooden Doors in Sandwich Kent

I am sending you a postcard which shows nine doors of various designs that can be found in the small town of Sandwich in Kent

One of the doors is the entrance to the house of the Widow Roberts

Does she still live at number sixty-two?

She has never lived at number sixty-two

Then advise me of her door do that I may visit her when I am next in the town

You will find the Widow Roberts if you ignore the first six doors and lay waste to the seventh

You talk in riddles my friend

Believe me the postcard is as good as any map and I know that the good widow will be very pleased to see you

Good luck and please note if reach the ancient Barbican then you have travelled too far and will have to retrace your steps

On the morrow I will contact the Widow Roberts and advise her of your unusual visit


The Poetry Field

I can sense your conspiracy

Hidden the deep luxury of my field


Be silent

The emperor now approaches

Ita feri ut se mori sentiat 


The Imprisonment of Celina S

She ran through the long halls that now occupied her quiet history

A strange character with an exquisite sensibility watched her every move

She was not loved it was a lost illusion many years spent

Her gentle soul was constantly changing between light and shade with the latter taking hold for long periods of time

There had been many songs but very little poetry written on the grey bricks of her dreadful prison

Even though he had not served his country during the time of conflict he felt he had served it well with his pen