Sabine Baring Gould

What is your most annoying habit 



I have many 

Name one 

I sometimes leave books in their Christmas wrapping 

You fail to unwrap them 

No I unwrap them but use the wrapping as a mock dust jacket 

Why do you do this 

To remind me of the day it was received 


One of the many things that bugs me about Christmas is the wrapping paper and the gift tags 

Please explain 

I often in the days after Christmas walk past overflowing dustbins full of wrapping paper and gift tags

We all do 

I read the gift tags out of curiosity 

To Christopher love Mum x 

To Lindy Lou Love Saucepot xxxx

To Malcolm Merry Christmas Poland

These are all personal messages cast aside and I find this sad 

What do you do with your wrapping paper 

I keep it when I can 

And the gift tags 

The gift tags always 

Tell me a fact about yourself

I sometimes collect other peoples gift tags 


I find them in the streets or on tube platforms anywhere in fact 

Is that not a little odd 


It might be seen as odd 

So might standing by a river with a glass fibre rod 



Do you fish 

No I collect gift labels from complete strangers 

I think we have exhausted that subject 

So do I 

Tell me a secret about yourself 

What type of secret 

A quirky one maybe 

I am not sure if it is quirky but I have used the same plastic cup for my night water for a number of years 

Do you get thirsty during the night 


How long have you used this cup 

Twenty-one years twenty two this Easter 

Does this cup have a name 


What is its name 


Why Monica 

After the character in Friends

Was that your favourite show 

I never watched it 


Because I thought it was shit 

So why Monica 

It was suggested to me 

By whom 

I cannot remember 

Do you take Monica with you when you travel 

Yes quite often 

Where has she been 

Kos France Belgium she has been to a number of countries 

What do customs officials think about it 

I do not know as they have never discussed it with me 

What is your name 

Outlaw is my pen name 

Favourite colour 

Purple Lavender Violet 

Favourite football team 


Favourite city 


Favourite song 

Bird Song by Lene Lovich 

Coffee or tea 



By train I am scared of flying 

What is your most appealing feature 

I am kind 

And your worst 

I am often quite moody and volatile 

If you were not a poet what would you be 

An Anglican priest