Silent Poems & Fragments

Before the Storm

For a while I walked the paths

So merry during the sinful months

But now they are deserted

And like me await the storm

Which is drawing near



Cold wind

Bright light

The violence of this day

Appals me



The fading warmth of the November sun

Scorches the white bark

From the decaying trees

I do not grieve for them


Fast Trains and the Alleyway as recorded by Michael

 The alleyway I use is partially hidden by a tall steel fence

It leads to a mundane car park which often used by fathers

Who let their children watch trains in complete safety

I do not own a car but use this alleyway each day

As I appreciate its safety features and the evergreen bushes

That inhibit its meandering path

It is late November and the days are surprisingly mild

The splendid summer does not want to draw to a close

I advise it to abandon the year and return when the days are longer

Many trains are passing through this station

They scream obscenities at me

I almost weep at their exhibition

A girl called Gillian greets her sister tenderly

She uses the alleyway each day as she owns a car

Gillian’s sister is on a train that is crossing the river bridge

She is asleep and dreaming of her sister Gillian

Neither sister is aware that they are only yards apart

As the train roars through the station

Vaslav Nijinsky is performing on the far platform

These are numbered one to five

There is no platform six

He is scared of fast trains and I note a nervousness in his performance

I possess no fear of trains and watch him dance

As I walk away from the railway station towards the car park

This area is now empty but I feel no regret

As I am the dancer Diaghilev