The Listening Bricks of Ne Paul

How many bricks do you think constitute the average house

I have no idea



If it was an average two bedroom house then you would need around 8300 bricks

Why are telling me this

Because your house listens to you every minute of every day

What happens if I am not there

Then it listens to the sounds that surround you

Houses can not hear you

But bricks can

Come again

In the average house one brick will be listening to you

It will record your life

The technology has been here for quite a while

So you are telling me that one brick of the eight thousand three hundred bricks that make up my little two bedroom house will be listening to me and recording my life and that of my partner

It will not record Julie’s life at all only interactions and the like

Why me

Because it has been programmed to

Would I be able to install a brick to record Julie’s life



One brick one house

Why me

Why not

Do these bricks have a name


Carry on

They are called The Listening Bricks of Ne Paul