
Do you like men

Of course I do

So do I Anna

I like being held in a mans arms

Or having his rigid cock inside me

I do not think any woman is exclusively a dyke

I agree most if not all women are bisexual

That has been addressed many times

A good man offers us protection as normally they are stronger physically than us

Define a good man Anna

A good man in my view is a man who uses his power correctly

An equal partner

Too many men try to dominate women as in a way they see them as inferior

That type of power is corruption and nothing else

A good man must understand women

As a girl must understand a man

Although not apparent on the surface he must be quite feminine

They must understand women

Are they rare

Not really

There are more nice men than brutes

I have happy memories of some of my former boyfriends

Then why are you with me

I could ask you the same

The main reason possibly was we had different agendas

I knew as soon as I met you that I wanted to be with you

This could just as easily happened with a man

I could have been living here with an Adam instead of an Anna


Very much the same as when Perry and I split I felt empty and considered as men call it playing the field

And then I met you

Do you remember how we met

Clearly I saw you naked before I saw you dressed

Ibiza has a great deal to answer for

Do you remember it

Clearly only too fucking clearly

You were there in the shower area with two naked guys

Carry on

You are embarrassing me

They were both as hard as rock standing either side of you and you were wanking them both off

I thought you looked so small between them

Do you remember it

Not that well as I was away with the clouds

I can remember that Mike exploded far quicker than Roy

I thought he was going to blow my hand off

He almost splashed me

It would have ruined my dress

The strange thing was that he was a faggot all along

It was not because you were naked and I was watching that turned him on

It was because he was being dominated by a woman

That was his trigger

Roy on the other hand was straight and just enjoyed the experience

I actually fucked him later on the holiday

You fucked him

Yes I fucked him

He was such a gentleman

Was he your last fuck

You know he was

But I was thinking of you by then as the whole thing had turned me on much more than I could have imagined


Why ask as you know the answer

I think that I had grown a little tired of men to be truthful and you helped me to discover that

I had been attracted to you since I saw you at the airport


Don’t tease me Anna


Do you think we will last

I hope so

We both know the rules

That there are no rules

We are completely open with each other

That is all

I do not feel that we are dykes

We I feel exist in a space between

We do not look like dykes

What do dykes look like

I will not answer that question as you are teasing me

Do we look like female queers

I think that we just look like two ordinary women who happen to be in a loving relationship

We are more likely to caught wearing Laura Ashley than dungarees


I was only generalising

One day we should return to Ibiza and celebrate our anniversary

We are not married

You do not have to be married to celebrate anniversaries

I think that we are more mature different people

I could not imagine myself wanking off two guys now

I think that we would most likely be sad and watch the sunsets

It has only been six years

We might meet Mike again cruising for meaningless fucks

Although he was a nice guy he was a tart and I have to admit he annoyed me

In what way

In the way that all faggots annoy me

I just cannot see the attraction of men on men

The whole idea of men fucking each other turns me off

There is something bestial about it

But we are dykes

But we do not cruise around looking for anal sex

Most dykes are not like that

You do not walk into female toilets and find girls hanging out there

We have our clubs

When I was younger I can remember daddy telling George not to go near the loos on the common as it was a buggers paradise

Did he go there


I know the story

Of his science master

I do not know who was the more embarrassed

A happy story

It was strange as George thought that he was fucking Mrs Herd the Domestic Science teacher

How wrong he was

In a way that was the corruption of male homosexuality

You are not going to bring that up again

We are female queers

No Anna we are bisexual

We have agreed that whilst we will be faithful to each other we if we so choose can fuck men

Faggots do not think of women this way in my view



Have you been recording this conversation



I always record our conversations for posterity

I think it is a kind of OCD

Nothing of the kind it is not like coke cans in a fridge

I have a counter on this recorder and as soon as I reach one thousand words I will depress the button and this particular conversation will finish

You are a strange creature Anna

All poets are strange creatures Anna