The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula

What are you reading Anna

It is a book about Caravaggio

Do you like his work or does the man fascinate you


He was a complex artist and man and I believe he once killed someone

Rather like Outlaw

Outlaw has never killed anyone

I agree but he tells me that he kills people in his thoughts each day

Don’t we all

Speak for yourself

I think that people such as Caravaggio  and maybe Outlaw have a strong life drive that is what creates them and without that they would go stale

Do they realise that

Very much and I believe that they are rather terrified of losing it

I like this painting what is it called

The Martyrdom of St Ursula it was his final work and maybe one of his most haunting

Why is that

If you look at the figure directly behind Ursula the chap who is staring upwards that is the artist himself

To me there is a look of resignation on his face

He is facing death

How did he die

From a fever rather like Byron

But he had been weakened by a severe beating the year beforehand outside of a restaurant after getting into an argument

This forced him to stay in Naples to convalesce I believe

This book notes that the figures around Ursula are totally shocked at her senseless slaughter and yes they are but Caravaggio is different as he appears to staring into a void

It is a haunting painting

What is the story of Ursula

It is the usual story of blood and gore

It seems that she was an English princess who sailed from this island along with eleven thousand virginal handmaidens

Well to cut a long story short Ursula decides to go on a pilgrimage but she runs into the Huns who were besieging Cologne which is not good news as Ursula is quite beautiful and the fairest of them all

The Huns were a warlike race were they not

Very much

You are aware of my thoughts about race Anna some races are more warlike than others

I believe in the natural order of things

Not everybody is equal

This is so obvious to anybody who opens their eyes

Even to this very day one can see this

Sometimes the savages conquer but they are always crushed in the long run

That is the way God works

Eleven thousand virgins seems to be rather fantastic

It is there were most likely only eleven

It just makes the tale seem larger and more striking

Well going back to the story all the virgins are slaughtered by the Huns but their leader was very attracted to fair Ursula and her modesty and beauty and begs for forgiveness

He asks her to marry him but she refuses and like any savage he kills her

What I love about the work is the look of mild astonishment on Ursula face as she looks at the shaft sticking out of her chest

Caravaggio captures this so well

In a way it reminds me of a scene from Aguirre Wrath of God when Aguirre’s daughter is wounded by an arrow

She denies that the arrow has mortally wounded her

She denies its existence as she dies

She knows that this is the beginning and not the end

This scene always brings tears to my eyes

I would say that along with Kaos this one of the most dreamlike movies ever made

It is an absolute masterpiece

Aguirre always reminds me of the line from Shakespeare’s Richard the Third

No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity 

But I know none and therefore am no beast

Anna do you realise that there is only one church dedicated to Saint Ursula in the UK

It is located in Wales at Llangwyryfon

The name of the village is derived from the tale

Llan is Welsh for church and the gwyrddon are the eleven thousand virgins who were slaughtered alongside Ursula

How did you know this

My father was born in the village

He told me the story when I was very young

And what of Caravaggio

Well as I told you he is reported to have died of fever and had probably been weakened by the savage beating he received as in the July of 1610 he set off by boat to receive a pardon from the Pope as he had been involved in the death of a young man in a duel

But he never received that pardon as he died at Porto Ercole on the coast north of Rome

How do you know all of this Anna

That’s easy


It is all here in the book